Friday, May 29, 2009

Closing the Chapter

Two weeks ago my second child, Katelyn, graduated from High School. Since having graduated our first child four years ago, I was a little more prepared for the waves of grief that would wash over me. Hard to believe, because I remember during the potty training years, I would think, "How many more years until she graduates?!" (of course, always said with a smile).

And here we are. Another one of my children on her way! The memories have come like floods, in the days of preparation for the PARTY! Seeing the pictures of childhood, the school papers, the handwriting, the dreams....all laid out (all that money on scrapbooks was well spent after all)! I remember the first days of kindergarten, when I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle Katelyn gone for the whole morning! Wouldn't she miss me? What if she needs me? It was an easy transition for her. She loved her teacher and her classmates~ such a social little girl. Then on to first grade....all day long...are you kidding? What am I missing? I am not the one to teach her things and show her all the wonders in this world. Oh, how quickly time goes by....

first grade~ a love for reading
second grade~ a love for math
third grade~ a love for drama & singing
fourth grade~ a love for soccer, which stays throughout high school
fifth grade~ tried homeschooling for a year~ she didn't love that!
sixth grade~ a love for writing
seventh grade~ a love for changing classrooms
eigth grade~a love for a new school, Concordia
ninth grade~ a love for the Lord; her heart is on fire
tenth grade~ a love for all people & a desire for Africa is stirring
eleventh grade~ a love for the people of Malawi; mission trip plants the seed
twelth grade~ a love for whatever God has for her; a heart open to His plans

And so, we close this chapter. I am waiting with hope in my heart for the next chapter that the Lord will write. The pages are blank. The writer is poised, with pen in hand...for Katelyn, this next chapter is entitled: Twentyfourseven. That is the desire of her heart~ to live a life unto the Lord 24/7. So it begins.......

"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:6-9

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