Monday, September 19, 2011

The Currents are Rising and Going Faster

The currents are rising and going faster....
There are 2 rivers moving in opposite directions; 1 is the river of the culture (world) and the other river is the River of the Kingdom of God. It used to be that you could have 1 foot in 1 river and 1 foot in the other.....however that is not true any longer. Both rivers are running high and fast. As the waters rise, you will be swept away.

In these days in which we are living, the question we need to seriously consider is this:

  • Which river am I in? Which river has most of me?

  • And if we are parents, we need to consider this question: Which river am I immersing my children into? Where will you lead your family? Who's going to raise your kids?

We must decide which river/stream we will live in. The river of the culture (world) is sin and destruction. What may seem innocent to you now, will soon own you. As the darkness gets darker and as evil is called good and good evil, God has called us to stand as signposts to the world. We cannot be a signpost if we are flowing along with the river of the culture. Be alert. Awaken your spiritual eyes and ears. We are called to discern the times in which we are is a time to give up the lesser pleasures this world has to offer and go after the deep pleasures of the River of God.

The River of the Kingdom of God is running fast and strong. As we immerse ourselves (and our children) in this river, we will have hearts and minds set on the Kingdom of heaven. Strength, power and authority are released in this river. Courage to stand. Boldness to speak. Jump into this river....get out of the river of this culture. The world promises what it can't deliver. But God delivers on ALL His promises. He is the Faithful One. He is calling us to swim with the current of the God of heaven.

Monday, September 12, 2011

From the Mountain of Fire to the Golden Calf

As evenings get cooler, with fall approaching, our family has once again brought out the fire pit. Weekend nights are filled with fire, smoke and the smell of a campfire. And again, I am reminded of the Israelites in the book of Exodus. (I just can't leave them alone in the wilderness!)

In Exodus 19, Moses has brought the nation of Israel to the mountain of God, Mount Sinai. Moses ascends the mountain to meet with God (verse 3) and God speaks profound words of blessing and covenant to these wandering people. "You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation," (verses 4-5). After more than 400 years of slavery, this nation has been chosen to be holy; to be a treasure; to be a kingdom; to be a people of influence; to be loved by the Creater of the entire world; to have relationship with THE I AM. Moses shares the Words of the Lord with the people and they respond: "We will do everything the Lord has said," (verse 8).

Moses instructs the people to consecrate themselves because the Lord "will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people" (vs 11). When the ram's horn sounds a long blast, the people are to go to the mountain. (Who's blowing the ram's horn? An angel?) On the 3rd day, as Moses had told them, thunder and lightning and a thick cloud came over the mountain and there was a very loud trumpet blast (vs. 16). Smoke descended on the mountain and the whole mountain trembled and Moses spoke to God and God answered him from the mountain.

All of the people had an encounter with God. They all heard His voice and saw the smoke and fire of God's presence. God even spoke the words of His commands to the Israelite community. They had direct access to His presence.

Have you encountered God? Have you felt the fire of His presence? Been wrapped in the cloud of His Glory? Has His voice spoke words of covenant and blessing to you? Beloved one, He longs to meet with you and have you encounter His presence in power like the Israelites.

Unfortunately, the Israelites do not have a very long memory of their commitment to "do everything the Lord has said". For when God calls Moses to the top of the mountain to meet with Him, Moses is gone 40 days....and it seems the "treasured possession" has forgotten whose they are. Chapter 32 of Exodus we hear the Israelites grumbling to Aaron (who has been left in charge), "Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us out of Egypt, we don't know what has happened to him," (vs. 1). The culture of Egypt was so embedded in the Israelites that they very quickly turned back to what was familiar to them. Aaron fashioned a golden calf with gold jewelry and the Israelites "indulged in revelry". {The calf was one of the gods that the Egyptians worshipped.} Here is the most amazing aspect to this act....God was still revealing Himself by giving them manna daily to eat. God continued to miraculously provide for their physical needs and the people discounted His provision as now something natural and expected.

I want to say that I have never done that, but unfortunately, I have been like the Israelites too often. I have experienced the Glory of the Lord, have watched God do miraculous wonders among my family and friends, I have heard the beautiful voice of God telling me how to live....and then.....when something doesn't go my way or when it seems that He's been gone so long....when the answers don't come quickly enough, I can return to the "gods of Egypt" because it is familiar.

God has called us to be a "kingdom of Priests" and "Holy Nation", His "treasured possession". However, He is God. I will not be able to understand His ways. He is perfect. He is pure. He knows the end from the beginning and I don't. So, when it seems that He is far off or that He is not attentive to my prayer....with spiritual eyes, I take a look around~ He is still providing in miraculous ways, just as the manna fell from the sky each morning for the Israelites, while they grumbled and complained, looking for God (and Moses their leader).