Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sarah - May 12, 2008

Here's the Bible study about Sarah from Monday night!


Anonymous said...

This was AWESOME! I know I told you this, but the part about not returning to what they had known in the past was a total encouragement to me!!!

Plus, I pretty much love that God changed her name too. I have really connected with Sarah since Monday night (because, you know, I have listened to this 1298329384 times already, ha!) Part of what resonated so deeply was that most all (if not all..unless I'm mistaken) of the other references to God changing a person's name in the Bible were about men. I didn't make that connection until today, but that has hit home with me and I just love Sarah!

Anonymous said...

By the way, I totally thought about "Singin' In the Rain" again today. It made me chuckle. =]

Love ya!