Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Eve - May 5, 2008

The Bible study recordings are up and running!

If you couldn't make it to either day or simply want to go back and listen to them again, I will be putting every week's Bible study on the blog so that you can listen to them. Since I was still working out the final kinks with everything, this week there will be two - Eve (from May 5th) and Sarah (from May 12th). After these two, they will be going up one at a time as we work through the extraordinary women of the Bible!

(Know that the recordings could take a few minutes to load completely!)


Deb said...

SWEET! Thank you so much for making these available!!! You care for your sheep so very well, Kristen. I hug you!

Anonymous said...

I just love this Bible study!

One thing you said in the email really spoke to me. When you said, "Pray for your kids, no matter how old," I knew that the Lord was telling me, "...or even if you don't have kids yet." Just another affirmation that I need to continue doing so!