Monday, August 22, 2011

School of the Wilderness

Back to school is such an exciting time each for new clothes, new school supplies, new much new! The first day is filled with anticipation~ new teacher, new friends, new routine, etc. As a former public school teacher, I always loved the first day of school and the days preceding it. Getting my room ready~ bulletin boards that would entice the kids, setting desks in formation that learning could happen, praying for the students that would be entering my classroom each year...oh, it brings me joy even as I write it out!

BUT, there is one school that none of us would sign up for~ the school of the wilderness. And yet, we eventually find ourselves in that school (and unfortunately, it is usually more than one time). The wilderness marks an important experience for us all. When you find yourself in it, take heart, you are not the first one, nor will you be the last....Abraham, Isaas, and Jacob lived in tents in the wilderness. Moses spent 40 years being trained in the desert to lead the Israelites. The Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness. David escaped death from King Saul by fleeing to the desert and hiding in various caves. Elijah spent time in the wilderness. Jon the Baptist had his ministry in the wilderness and introduced Jesus in the desert. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness being tempted by the enemy. Paul spent 3 years in the wilderness. The school of the wilderness is training ground! Don't miss out on a chance to learn in the desert. Here are several lessons we learn in the wilderness:

  1. God will always take care of His people in the wilderness. God provided manna for the Israelites for the entire time they walked in the desert. Their shoes never wore out, nor did their clothes. The Israelites were supernaturally sustained in the desert (Deut. 8:4, 29:5)

  2. The wilderness has the goal of sifting us; stripping us so we are left with Jesus alone. It is meant to empty us of religious baggage; getting the core of being totally dependent on God alone.

  3. The wilderness is not a place where you remain. If you do not get out of the wilderness, you will eventually die (Deut. 6:23).

  4. The wilderness is a symbol of new beginnings. After 40 years in the desert, Moses moved out to deliver the Israelites from bondage. After 40 years, the Israelites moved into the Promised Land. David moved from wilderness to a Kingly palace. Elijah left the desert and was taken by heavenly chariots into His forever Heavenly home. Jon the Baptist was set apart and prepared the way for the Messiah, marking a new beginning for Israel with Jesus on the scene. At the end of Jesus' 40 days in the desert, His ministry began in miraculous power from the Holy Spirit. Paul, being trained in the desert by the Holy Spirit, became a bold proclaimer of Jesus and goes on to write much of the New Testament. His ministry began after the wilderness experience.

If you are in the school of the wilderness now, trust God in it. And remember it will not last forever; he will supernaturally provide for all you need in it; allow the wilderness to sift you~ keep your heart open to what God is wanting to do in you. Lastly, be ready for the new thing that's coming.....the wilderness marks the beginning of something new.

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