Friday, January 9, 2009

A Healthy Heart -- Part 2

The soul (our mind, will & emotions) operates as a computer. It needs to be reprogrammed in order to be spiritually fit! This post will be about the "new diet plan" that we need for our soul, in order to keep our spirit-man (heart) healthy.

The old computer runs tapes that spin round and round in our mind. These tapes are controlled by the FLESH (Following Long Established Selfish Habits). Paul tells us, in the New Testament that we need to crucify the flesh. Flesh should not reign any longer. But we have lived so long following the FLESH and gratifying the selfish desires of the flesh, that there is work to be done in the diet. We need to STARVE the flesh! Where are you? Take this flesh test (from the book, Having a Mary Spirit by JoAnna Weaver):

1. A prideful spirit~ Do you have an exalted feeling because of success or
Position, good training or appearance, or natural gifts & abilities? An
Independent spirit?
2. A love of praise~Do you like to be noticed? Do you draw attention to
Yourself in conversation? Do you like to hear you are good at
3. A touchy temper~Do you have a touchy spirit? Do you throw sharp
Words at others? Do you make excuses for your impatience or
4. A willful attitude~Do you show a stubborn, unteachable heart? Do you
Like to argue? Are you harsh? Demanding? Driving? Headstrong? Do
You tend to criticize?
5. A fearful heart~Does fear of what others think control what you do or
6. A jealous heart~Do you hide envy in your heart? When someone is
More talented than you, are you tempted to speak of his faults rather
Than his virtues?
7. A dishonest disposition~Do you evade or cover up the truth? Do you
Minimize your real faults and attempt to leave a better impression of
Yourself than is really true? Do you show one face to one person & the
Opposite to another person?
8. A wandering eye~Do you entertain lustful stirrings? Do you dwell on
Romantic fantasies?
9. A spiritual deadness~Are you complacent about the lost? Is your
Relationship with God characterized by indifference? Does your life
Lack spiritual power? Do you regularly meet with God?
10. A love of self~Do you cater to your fleshly appetites & desires? Does
Your joy in life fluctuate around your personal interests & contentment?
Do you yearn for money and earthly possessions?

We all struggle with the flesh. Galations 5:16 says, "But I say, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh." And Romans 8:4 tells us, "Walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." We have a choice. Walk by the Spirit and His Spirit will change and transform us from the inside out. Any of us can, for a little while, make some behavior changes. God is looking for heart change and when it is heart change, it is Christ doing it in me.

The re-programmed computer of the heart is one which is controlled by the SPIRIT (Spirit-Producing Inside~ Renewed Intentions & Thoughts). The more we surrender ourselves to Jesus, the more we are transformed into His likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18). And we know with confidence, "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6). As you look at the "Flesh test" questions, commit to live out the opposite. :)

Diet changes for a physical heart include: watching cholestrol, sodium levels, saying "no" to certain foods (not feeding the flesh)! Change is hard and a new habit takes awhile to develop. But the longer you remain faithful to the changes, the easier it is. Spiritually, "flesh woman" had gone unchallenged for MANY years, so it will take time to begin new routines and new patterns of thoughts and behaviors~ getting your flesh under the Spirit's control. We begin by STARVING THE FLESH! How do we feed the Spirit and starve the flesh?

1) Get in God's Word~ renew your soul with God's Word. Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart." In 2009, make a "diet change" to be in the Word daily.
  • Ask God to increase your spiritual appetite. Ask the Lord to give you "hunger pains" for HIM! "Hunger is what causes us to empty ourselves of compromise and creates a holy dissatisfaction that drives us to our knees and makes us depend on God." Rhonda Hughey (Desperate For His Presence)

2) Memorize & Meditate & Chew on God's Word~ The challenge from Mike Bickle at the One Thing Conference this year is "EAT THE SCROLL". I love that! I have been "chewing" on the Word for many years now. So, it is time to eat the scroll. Dig deep, looking for the treasures in the Word.

3) Take every thought captive~ This takes practice. When you catch yourself thinking something that is not true about you or someone else:
  • RECOGNIZE it as untruth
  • REFUSE to accept the thought as your own
  • REPLACE it with what is true

4) WRITE OUT A CONFESSIONS LIST~ Statements from God's Word that are true about who you are in Christ. Use a notebook and record the verses. Read them over and over as a way to transform your heart. Make the verses personal declarations of the reality of who you are as a daughter of the King! Example: "I have the mind of Christ." 2 Corinthians 2:16

5) CLOTHE YOURSELF~ with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, love, forgiveness (Colossians 3:10,12-14). Deny "flesh woman" of her rights! Respond in the opposite spirit as you naturally would. Keep doing it until the feelings follow!!!!!

As you begin feeding on the Spirit, you will become transformed and conformed into the image of Christ~releasing the flow of His life through you.

Holy Spirit, have Your way in us; that we would die to ourselves and allow Your life-giving Spirit to reign in us. Change us, transform us, shape us and mold us to live a life that pleases our Father in heaven.

Next post: A Healthy Heart Part 3 (Exercise and stress reduction)! Who doesn't need that?

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