Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jump in the River

Summer is all about swimming--in the rivers, lakes, pools, oceans--bodies of water refresh the body & spirit. There is a waterfall in the landscape of a business by my house. The refreshing sound of the water is so intrigueing that every time I drive by the waterfall, I roll down my window to hear the sound of the rushing water. Water=refreshment.

Ezekiel saw a vision of a river coming from the temple (Ezekiel 47). As the angel took Ezekiel into the water, he was led through the water that was ankle-deep. I have been in the ocean when I have gone in up to my don't feel the current; yes, it is refreshing, but you still have control. There are people I know who allow the Lord to take them ankle deep. They have a taste of the Lord; they know the refreshing that comes, but they still want to be in control.

Next, the angel took Ezekiel up to his knees. I have been in the water up to my knees....there is a feel of the current, but if one of the waves (or kids) splash me, I say "don't splash me, I don't want to get my hair wet". So, at the knee-deep place, it is a little more refreshing, but I am still in control. Do you know someone who has gone knee-deep with Jesus? They are stepping into things of the Lord, but they hold up their hands & say to him, "Don't splash me. I don't want to get my hair wet." Oh Lord, would you cause a giant wave to wash over those who are in the current, but not willing to give you their all! Get their hair wet Lord!

Again, the angel led Ezekiel through water that was up to the waist. Now, Ezekiel could feel the pull of the current. I have been there....the current is trying to pull me under. It is hard to keep my balance--the waves move me up & down with the current. This is a good place to be with the Lord. Do you know this place? When the Lord takes you deeper with him & is causing you to move in the Spirit & to be taken places (where the sand is disappearing from under you feet) that you are not sure you are ready to go?! Trust HIM! He will lead you & allow the sand to be shifted under your feet!

Lastly, the angel took Ezekiel deeper into the river: "now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in--a river that no one could cross." (Ez.47:5) To jump into the river--it is so great to take the plunge--to get the hair wet. Then it doesn't matter who is splashing around you. In fact, when you are totally wet, you might join in the fun of splashing! I have noticed that about swimming. If my kids are in the pool, and I want to get in. I don't just go ankle-deep or knee-deep or even waist-deep, but I jump in! Let HIS current carry you & take you where HE wants to go. He won't leave you in the water--all alone, not knowing what to do or where to go. He leads & guides us. He wants us to abandon everything to let Him be the leader....oh Lord, that we would say, "I will jump into the river!"


Anonymous said...

i love this! i was thinking about this earlier this week while i was swimming (good place to ponder the water) and it totally inspired some divine thought about surrender that i am blogging about now! cool, huh? :)

Deb said...

Water-lady strikes again! Thanks for the reminder...may we live in the River and may we allow the Current to take us to His destinations!