How are you doing in the love category? Let's take an inventory from I Corinthians 13. Let God give you a check-up:
*Love is patient (vs.4): Love never gets impatient and does not have a quick temper. It accepts others and does not work to change them.
*Love is kind (vs.4): Love is always considerate, recognizes the needs of others, and seeks to meet them. Love is actively creative in contributing to the lives of others.
*Love does not envy (vs.4): Love is never jealous or possessive. Love allows others to be free to be themselves, and to make their own choices. Love encourages others to reach their full potential.
*Love does not boast (vs.4): Love is never conceited or anxious to impress. Love does not seek to create an image. Love seeks to glorify God over self; love doesn't care if it does not get credit or reward.
*Love is not proud (vs4): Love is never arrogant. Loves does not make sarcastic remarks that put others down.
*Love is not rude (vs.5): Love always has good manners. Love respects others. Love does the right thing.
*Love is not self-seeking (vs.5): Love does not desire to control. Love does not gratify self nor act selfishly. Love never insists on its own way. Love never pouts. Love does not use others to promote themselves. Love does not expect life to revolve around oneself. Love allows others to be exalted over self and is content to be hidden.
*Love is not easily angered (vs.5): Love is never touchy, angry, irritated or resentful. Love is not easily hurt. Love does not get upset on its own behalf. Love does not take things personally.
*Love keeps no record of wrongs (vs.5): Love overlooks the faults of others and does not bring up the past nor keep a score card of suffering.
*Love does not delight in evil (vs.6): Love does not dwell on the failures of others. Love is never happy with sin or injustice. Love does not gossip.
*Love rejoices with the Truth (vs.6): Love is always happy with the success of others. Love actively seeks fellowship with others.
*Love always protects (vs.7): Love never comes to the end of its endurance. Love always supports and understands. Love covers the weaknesses of others.
*Love always trusts (vs.7): Love is ready to believe the best. Love does not stumble over the inconsistencies of others.
*Love always hopes (vs.7): Love believes in the worth of others as persons. Love does not easily give up when relationships are hard. Love has perfect peace in God who is in control. Love never feels hopeless.
*Love always perseveres (vs.7): Love never runs out. Love loves the unlovable. Love can survive anything and endures even when it is not returned.
*Love never fails (vs.8): Love never quits nor comes to an end even when times are hard. Love is committed to obedience to God. Love conquers all.
Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another (Romans 13:8).
1 comment:
Ok, since Jesus is to be our example of how to love, & since God is love, I inserted the word 'God' for the word 'love' and found that I'm not following the example of Jesus nearly as much as I desire to. But, I'm a work in progress--thank you Lord!
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