were in a speed triathalon in Papillion, NE. They swam, biked, then
finished with a run. I am not one for competition, so I chose to be the "cheerleading" section for my husband and daughter. And as usual, I found myself encouraging every biker that rode past me and every runner as they began the run. And the most fun was standing at the finish to cheer each one on as they crossed that finish line! I am a natural-born cheerleader; to cheer someone on and encourage them to be faster, go harder, get stronger, live holy, etc. This is my call; this is who I am.
I have found myself in many instances of cheering or encouraging others: at soccer games (Kate is a goalie); at golf tournies (both Greg & Jon play); at swim meets (Jon is a swimmer); at Bible Studies (to encourage women and men in their pursuit of God); with my husband in his work; with my sister in her parenting of teenagers; with my younger friends parenting newborns and toddlers; with my daughter, Lindsay, at her teaching job; with Jon (my 13 year old) as he desires puberty to begin! I could go on and on.
There is a man in the Scriptures whose name means "son of encouragement", Barnabus, who is introduced in the book of Acts. We could call him Mr. Encouragement because at every mention of his name (in Acts), the Bible also mentions something of his encouragement of others. I look very forward to meet him and talk with him in heaven, because I too, feel that encouragement could be my middle name!
Over the last several years, I have begun to call myself "KLOVE", positive and encouraging! God has been revealing to my heart that in these days in which we are living the need for encouragement is great. So, my question to you is:
In your sphere of influence, who could use a word of encouragement this week?
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