Thursday, October 2, 2008
Several weeks ago as I was watching Candice Olson's "Divine Design", the Lord spoke to me saying, "That is what you are. You are a DIVINE DESIGN." All who surrender their lives to Jesus are divine designs. Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." The word workmanship is the Greek word "poiema" which means "artfully crafted; one who has the ability to write or create a literary masterpiece". WE ARE HIS MASTERPIECE!
When we give Jesus lordship of our lives, He has divine design for a transformation~a total makeover! God has the plan for each of us--a complete makeover--getting rid of the old and becoming something new. 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new ("kainos"--something that is brand new) creation, the old has gone, the new has come."
We truly are a DIVINE DESIGN! He sends His Holy Spirit to transform us, so there is no remnant to the old "me". He does a complete, extravagant make-over. God says over each one of us, "What a Divine Design."
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Tabernacle
Happy listening!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fall Bible Study
The Tabernacle:
A Dwelling Place for the Lord
This week we studied The Wilderness!
Happy listening!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Changes in Technological Land
Previously, I was creating a new post for every single recording of the Bible study and it worked, but like I said, it was very time consuming and reduced the sound quality.
What I have done instead is added a cute little pink audio player to the right side of the page. It is titled "Metamorphosis Podcast" and this is where every single recording is going to be from now on. I am working on uploading all of the files to the website right now and once I do that, you will be able to click on "Posts" (right next to the "play" button) and instantly have access to every single Bible study!
Since I am in the beginning stages of this, it might take a day or so to get the kinks worked out, but by the time the study resumes again (September 15th/16th!) we should be smooth sailing!
I will still update the blog every time I add a new Bible study to the player, but just know from now on the recordings will always be on the right side of the page!
Happy listening!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Opposite Way
I am on a pursuit of going the opposite way. God calls us to live opposite from the culture; "the great reverse" I used to call it! Now, I have found this amazing band called "Leeland"(ages 19-25) who are challenging their generation to run the opposite way. YES, do it Lord! Change us, transform us, draw us, compel us to live in an opposite way from the world. Romans 12:2 (message) says, "Don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it."
Lord, raise up a generation who refuses to be defined by the culture in which they live. That they would be those who say, "I will not compromise; I will live the opposite way."
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Jump in the River
Ezekiel saw a vision of a river coming from the temple (Ezekiel 47). As the angel took Ezekiel into the water, he was led through the water that was ankle-deep. I have been in the ocean when I have gone in up to my don't feel the current; yes, it is refreshing, but you still have control. There are people I know who allow the Lord to take them ankle deep. They have a taste of the Lord; they know the refreshing that comes, but they still want to be in control.
Next, the angel took Ezekiel up to his knees. I have been in the water up to my knees....there is a feel of the current, but if one of the waves (or kids) splash me, I say "don't splash me, I don't want to get my hair wet". So, at the knee-deep place, it is a little more refreshing, but I am still in control. Do you know someone who has gone knee-deep with Jesus? They are stepping into things of the Lord, but they hold up their hands & say to him, "Don't splash me. I don't want to get my hair wet." Oh Lord, would you cause a giant wave to wash over those who are in the current, but not willing to give you their all! Get their hair wet Lord!
Again, the angel led Ezekiel through water that was up to the waist. Now, Ezekiel could feel the pull of the current. I have been there....the current is trying to pull me under. It is hard to keep my balance--the waves move me up & down with the current. This is a good place to be with the Lord. Do you know this place? When the Lord takes you deeper with him & is causing you to move in the Spirit & to be taken places (where the sand is disappearing from under you feet) that you are not sure you are ready to go?! Trust HIM! He will lead you & allow the sand to be shifted under your feet!
Lastly, the angel took Ezekiel deeper into the river: "now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in--a river that no one could cross." (Ez.47:5) To jump into the river--it is so great to take the plunge--to get the hair wet. Then it doesn't matter who is splashing around you. In fact, when you are totally wet, you might join in the fun of splashing! I have noticed that about swimming. If my kids are in the pool, and I want to get in. I don't just go ankle-deep or knee-deep or even waist-deep, but I jump in! Let HIS current carry you & take you where HE wants to go. He won't leave you in the water--all alone, not knowing what to do or where to go. He leads & guides us. He wants us to abandon everything to let Him be the leader....oh Lord, that we would say, "I will jump into the river!"
Sunday, July 6, 2008
It Started with a Mirror
By Hannah Reynolds
June 27, 2008
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV)
Hooks. They can start out small and may be seemingly nonthreatening, but the second the enemy gets us with the first one - well, that's just it; we're "hooked." Once he gets us with that first one, we can still proceed on out journey with Christ, but there is more resistance and we become easier targets. Then Satan hooks us again...and again, and again, until we are fighting with everything we have to press forward but we are making little progress.
After a long talk with my mentor and a visual from Judges 4, when Sisera, the army commander who had cruelly oppressed the Israelites for years, was killed when Jael drove a tent peg through his temple, I knew that I needed to drive the "tent peg" through those lies and demolish any and every argument that had set itself up against the knowledge of God because the war that most plagues our lives is the spiritual battle that takes place inside our own heads (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
While meditating on several verses I had been armed with one afternoon, God gave me the idea of a mirror and I knew right away what I was going to do. I bought a large, circular mirror, took it home, and I began painting on those lies - those hooks - where the enemy had taken my mind captive and before I knew it, I had covered the majority of the mirror with black paint.
I wrote down every single one of the hooks as I painted them on because I knew that I needed to find Scripture to counter them, so I spent the next two weeks digging deep into my Bible to pull out the truth. I knew that my ultimate goal would be breaking my mirror, but I didn't just want to break it - I wanted to go through each and every one of those hooks and say something to the effect of, "I know that I am not trapped, stuck, or enslaved because the Lord tells me that I have been rescued, liberated, vindicated, emancipated, and freed!"
When the day finally came for me to break my mirror, I had the support of my mentor who not only let me use her garage to break the mirror, but kept a hand on me and encouraged me the entire time. I picked up the hammer and read through the first hook on my list. I drove the hammer down onto the mirror and...nothing happened. I picked up the hammer again and completely threw my whole body into motion and slammed it down into the mirror. It cracked and glass pieces flew everywhere. It was exciting, it was liberating, and it was powerful.
Breaking the strongholds was merely the start - now I have to practice walking out the complete opposite direction so that when Satan tries to hook me again, I can recognize and cast down the thought because I know what the truth is. How do I find the truth? I'll just give word that were given to me by my mentor and have become my prayer on this journey: "Begin to meditate on the truth...that's the only way to walk this out. God's Word has to take root in the rich soil of your heart - where the 'head knowledge' moves into your heart! That is where the difference is seen and lived out!" Hallelujah.
It started with a mirror. It was clouded, it was broken, and it was a mess. With the Lord's help, the pieces were picked up and put together in an entirely new way. It was transformed into a brand new, beautiful, changed piece. My prayer is that we all can "break our mirrors" and let the Lord make us into something much greater than we could have ever imagined.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Ruth - June 23, 2008
(Just FYI, the next few weeks might not be put up right away, but they will get put up eventually!)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Hannah - June 16, 2008
In case you're wondering, the song "Beautiful" that we listened to is from Gateway Worship's new CD called "Wake Up the World."
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Rahab - June 2, 2008
(Just a note: we didn't skip last week. We didn't meet since it was Memorial Day!)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Summertime & the Livin' is Easy!
Enjoy the summer heat (the sun & the pools), but don't leave Jesus out of it! What can happen with the "loss" of schedule, is that Jesus gets put on hold until we "fall" into routine again.
Here are some gentle reminders as we head into summer:
1) Spend time daily with the Lord~carve out a regular time (the routine is beneficial) to listen to Jesus & get into His Word. Invite His Holy Spirit to come & meet with you. For the summer, go through the Psalms or the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John).
Mark 1:35 tells us that Jesus withdrew to quiet places to spend time with His Father.
"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed."
2) Memorizing scripture~As you are going through the Living Word, write out scriptures that "jump" off the page. Write them on notecards & bring them with you to the pool or gym or keep them in the car, so you can be meditating on them. "Chew" on the scripture. Go over it in your mind & let the Words of Truth transform your mind.
Psalm 119:11 "I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You."
Psalm 119: 15 "I meditate on Your precepts and consider Your ways."
Psalm 119:97 "Oh, how I love Your law! I meditate on it all day long."
3) Journaling~ Grab a journal when you are heading off to the pool and share your thoughts with the Lord. Listen to what He is telling you & record it. Regular journaling reminds us of God's faithfulness~as we pour our heart out to Him, we can see how He answers us when we call on His name!
Psalm 34:17 "The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them."
*A thankful journal is a good place to begin if journaling is new to you. Write out 5 things that you are thankful for each day. This keeps you in an attitude of thankfulness before the Lord.
I Thessalonians 5:18 "Give thanks in all circumstances..."
4) Getting together with the body of Christ~There is encouragement that comes from the body of Christ; as we gather together and share what the Lord is doing among us. Make church a priority in the week.
Hebrews 10:25 "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another~and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
Summer offers us a time of refreshment and it brings life to the body. May the Lord increase your understanding of who He is this summer & transform you through and through as you press into Him.
Here is one of my favorite verses that I found this winter. I believe that the Lord put it in His Word for me! :) "Light is sweet and it pleases the eyes to see the sun." Ecc. 11:7
This summer, search His Word for a scripture that was placed there just for you! :)
Monday, May 26, 2008
A "memorial" is defined as a marker or statue to remember. As I think about & am so thankful for those who have given everything for this nation in which I live, I am reminded also this day of the God-man who gave everything so that I could have freedom in Him (no matter where I live physically). So today is a "memorial day" to remember the freedom that has been purchased for me by the cross. I pray that you will use this day as a "marker" for remembering what freedom was bought for you by the blood of Jesus.
Galations 5:1 says, "It is for freedom that Christ has set you free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." What did Christ's blood "buy" you and me? FREEDOM! No more are we to be bound by sin.
To be set free is to be cut loose! What have you & I been cut loose from? We are cut loose from: "repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic-show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or to be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small-minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on." (Galations 5:19-21 Messge Translation). These are some of the sins that we have been freed from! We need to begin living the life that Jesus paid for--the brutal, painful, humiliating death that He experienced to bring each one of us LIFE!
David Foster, in his book A Renegade's Guide to God talks about this freedom we have, because the JESUS LIFE lives in us! The greatest point of history--Jesus didn't stay in the ground. He was raised to life and offers us this gift of life. He lives in me, which gives me the freedom to stand firm. "Jesus' aliveness living in me gives the freedom to become an authentic version of who He created me to be. I am no longer bound by my inner demons, dumb habits, or the insane need to prove my worth to the world. We are free from the dread of the past and the fear of the future. Under the loving leadership of Jesus, I have authority and standing."
(p. 163)
Step into the freedom that Jesus' life offers. Make this your "memorial day"...a day to mark that your freedom is purchased & you will NOT go back into a land of slavery! To be free spiritually is the greatest gift purchased on the cross!
Take some time to think about what yokes of slavery are you under? What have you allowed to continue to steal, kill and destroy in your attitudes? Behaviors? Mindsets? Belief systems? Take that ground back. Those of us who are in Christ Jesus are free. We have no longer to let the slavery of sin control us. Remind your body & mind WHO is in control!
David Foster writes, "We need renegades for God who dare to live FREE, have fun, and change the world." (p. 247)
John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church said, "Give me a hundred men who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I will shake the world. I care not a straw whether they be clergy or laymen; and such alone will overthrow the kingdom of satan and build up the Kingdom of God on earth."
This world needs believers to be free! Live in the freedom that was purchased for you, so we can shake the world and build up the Kingdom of God on earth!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Season of planting
So my first job was to dig those roots out of the soil & move the soil around; digging any old weeds out. I had to dig around the roots; they wouldn't just pull out of the dirt. It took some work to dig around & deep enough to pull the whole roots out.
I then had to move the soil around~like "tilling up" the deeper ground. I was surprised to find that the soil was easy to move around. Last year, I had purchased "good, rich, nourished" soil and it had served the plants well. And now, the soil was still good & rich. I did add some "new" rich & nourished soil, so this year my plants should look beautiful (as long as I take good care of them).
After "tilling" the soil and adding some new, rich soil to the planters, I carefully selected the right flowers for the conditions (full sun; part sun; morning sun; afternoon sun; shade). The planting required placing the small plant in the right spot, watering & securing the soil around the plant.
I am daily watering the plants, looking for any weeds (to get them out before they take "root) and watching them grow!
As I have spent these last couple weeks digging in the soil, doing the hard work of planting, I was reminded of this "season of planting" spiritual principle:
"Break up your unplowed ground and do not sow among thorns." (Jeremiah4:3) and "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until He comes and showers righteousness on you." (Hosea 10:12)
The first job I have to do is pull out the weeds (from the roots). This can be painful, because we have to dig around & deep to get to the bottom of the weed. This is a time when I ask the Lord to dig deep & pull out the weeds (like bitterness, unforgiveness, an unloving attitude, anger, pride, hatred, etc.). His Word is what goes deep to the root to lift it out. His Word even shows me what roots are in my heart's soil.
Now the "tilling" of the soil in my heart begins. I need to move the soil around so my heart is "plowed" well. In order to do that, I need to 1) humble myself before the Lord, 2) Confess my sins by name to the Lord & 3) Repent & 4) Seek the Lord so He can show His righteousness on me. The soil in my heart is rich & nourished as I spend time in God's Word & in His presence. As I do, the "tilling" is easier & weeds don't take root as quickly! It is worth it to abide in Him!
How do you know if your heart is "unplowed ground"?
1) There will be little or no revelation from the Word of God
2) No recent confession & repentance before the Lord
3) There are no tears
4) A lack of spiritual hunger
5) bored with spiritual things
6) Little or no vision
7) Little to no passion for the things of the Lord
To begin the plowing:
1) Seek the Lord & ask Him to make your heart soft & pliable (that He would till it)
2) Ask the Lord to give you a hunger & thirst for His Word and for spiritual things
3) "Plant" those things that will lead you into a deeper relationship with the Lord (being in the Word, surrounding yourself with people who love Jesus, praying, getting into a church where there is community & Truth taught from the Word of God & where the Holy Spirit is alive)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Eve - May 5, 2008
If you couldn't make it to either day or simply want to go back and listen to them again, I will be putting every week's Bible study on the blog so that you can listen to them. Since I was still working out the final kinks with everything, this week there will be two - Eve (from May 5th) and Sarah (from May 12th). After these two, they will be going up one at a time as we work through the extraordinary women of the Bible!
(Know that the recordings could take a few minutes to load completely!)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
ABC's of Motherhood
Attends sporting events, music programs, dance recitals, etc.
Believes in her kids
Disciplines when necessary
Gives & gives & gives
Hugs a lot!
Ignites passion in her children
Juggles many responsibilities
Knows like only a mother KNOWS
Loves unconditionally
Meditates sibling arguements :)
Notices the little things
Opens her home to her children's friends
Pours out her life
Quietly prays when no one sees
Reads many resources about the seasons of motherhood
Values the dreams of her children
Wonders about the future for her kids
Xamines her life
Yearns for more time!
Zealously treasures the life of her children
Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for all you do to shape the next generation!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Finish the Race
As he was sharing this with me this afternoon, I thought about the race that we believers participate in. At the end of Paul's life, he wrote to Timothy and declared that "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7). Paul had a sense of victory and confidence that he had finished the race well. He ran with all his might, never stopping until he had reached the goal! There were many distractions along the way for Paul: he faced rejection from friends and churches, he had been beaten brutally several times, he was shipwrecked 3 times, and yet Paul was not moved off course. Why? Because he knew what his race was that he had to complete. Paul even writes in 2 Corinthians 4:17 "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." Paul looked at his circumstances as "light and momentary". His eyes were on the prize! He was heaven bound and his prize was Jesus, his joy and strength.
How about you? Do you know what the race is that you are to complete? Paul knew exactly what he was called to run and he didn't look at anyone else's course. Nothing could stop him from running his race. What has God called you to do with your life? If someone asked you to define your "assignment" from the Lord, would you be able to give an answer?
If you are not sure, spend some time asking the Lord what it is that He has called you to do. Each person has a unique call on their life, so it will look different for everyone. Keep your eyes focused on Christ & He will give wisdom & revelation. And the wonderful thing that God has given us is those who have gone before us; who have run their race well & stayed the course. They give us encouragement to do the same. Just like Greg was there today to encourage his friends on their physical race....spiritually, we are not left alone--to do it on our own. We have our community of friends to "spur us on" and the Word of God to give the examples of those godly men & women who "fought the fight and ran the race".
We are encouraged in Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
Monday, April 28, 2008
Let It Be Known
Here's a little review: Judah was captured by the king of Babylon and the king brought some of the sons of Israel, including some of the royal family, who were good-looking, showing intelligence in every branch of wisdom, endowed with understanding, and discerning knowledge and the king ordered these young men to be taught the language & customs of the Chaldeans; the names of the young men were changed too--to represent the Babylonian gods, so they would be truly be absorbed by the culture of the Babylonians. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah made a courageous choice to not eat the food from the king's table and chose instead to eat vegies & water only. God's favor was on them and the Lord increased their abilities and gave them knowledge & intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom. King Nebuchadnezzar found no one like these 4 young men, so they entered the king's personal service. Daniel is moved into the king's court because he interprets a dream the king had.....our 3 young men are still in the king's service.
16 years have passed and "King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, ninety feet high and nine feet wide..." (Dan. 3:1) and made a decree that whoever does not fall down and worship the golden image will immediately be thrown into the fiery furnace. Mishael, Hananiah and Azariah (they are better known by their Babylonian names: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) would not fall down and worship and so they were summoned by the king. The king was very angry and asked the 3 men if this was true, that they wouldn't bow down & worship. He gave them one more chance and said, "if you will not worship, you will immediately be cast into the midst of a furnace of blazing fire; and what god is there who can deliver you out of my hands?" (Dan. 3:15). It is at this point that our brave friends stand up to a raging king, understanding their fate and they respond: "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But, even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up."
Those words~let it be known~that shows the strength and courage that those men had. What is it that you will let it be known? Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael knew that the furnace of blazing fire awaited them, and yet they said, "LET IT BE KNOWN"! We all face fiery trials. There are several outcomes that the Lord will work out in these fiery trials.
1) We can be delivered from the fire. He is able!
2) We can be delivered through the get to the other side (I Peter 1:6-7)
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in
all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which
perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise,
glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
3) We can be delivered by the fire into His arms.
When the furnace of blazing fire awaits you, what do you say? What do you do? Do you stand strong in the faith that you know is true and say LET IT BE KNOWN:
1) that my God is the one true God and HE can save me,
2) that I have seen my God's faithfulness in the past to know that He will see me through
3) that God is good all the time and all the time God is good!
4) I will serve my God even when I can't see what lies ahead
5) that He has taken me through the fire and I have been refined and I trust Him to do that again
6) that I serve the living God
7) that God loves me and He has my best in mind
8) that I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever
9) that I trust in the name of the Lord; He is my refuge, my strong tower, my Rock, my Redeemer, my Savior, my fortress, my deliverer, my shield, my stronghold, my strength....
So, what will you "let it be known"? What will your list look like. I want to be strong & courageous like the 3 men who were thrown into the fire (turned up 7 times hotter than usual). The Lord met them in the fire and delivered them from the fire. The men came out of the furnace and "the satraps, the prefects, the governors, and the king's high officials gathered around and saw in regard to these men that the fire had no effect on the bodies of these men nor was the hair of their head singed, nor were there trousers damaged, nor had the smell of fire even come upon them." (Dan. 3:27) WOW! What a faithful God we serve! Don't bow your knee to any other....say, instead, "Let it be known"....
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Core
Mayo Clinic has this to say about the core muscles:
"Your body's core is the area around your trunk and pelvis. When you have good core stability, the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen work in harmony. Strong core muscles make it easier to do most physical activities — from swinging a golf club to getting a glass off a top shelf or bending down to tie your shoes. Weak core muscles leave you susceptible to poor posture, lower back pain and muscle injuries."
When the core is stable & strong, it strengthens the whole body! Weak core muscles leave you susceptible to injury. Interesting...once again there is a connection between the physical principles and the spiritual.
My daughter went to a conference recently whose theme was "CORE: Life should resemble the inner existence through the outward expression". What a powerful statement. Our inner life should be stable & strong, so it strengthens the whole body~inside & out, then others will recognize Jesus in us.
How do we strengthen our core? Here's a great start......
1) Get the Word in your heart. Meditate on a scripture each week. Write it on a note card or sticky note & carry it with you where you go. (read it over & over; asking the Lord to make it personal to you; speaking the Word out loud over you life).
*If you are not sure where to start, go to the little epistles (letters) in the New Testament: Galations, Ephesians, Philippians or Colossians. These are great books that teach us how to live.
2) Be connected in a body of believers (church) where you are strengthened by the teaching of the Word of God.
3) Hang out with people who love Jesus~whose lives are the "inner existence through the outward expression".
4) Spend time with Your Savior (He is so in love with you)! Get to know HIM. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you insight and wisdom into His living Word.
Just as the physical "core" muscles will be sore as they are built, so too, will our "core" muscles be sore in a spiritual sense. You may say, "My core is sore" as you press into the things of God. He may reveal things to you that will allow you to grow and be strengthened. There may be sin issues that need to be repented of, time or priority issues that need to be put back into place, forgiveness to be asked or given, healing to be received, changes in what is spoken or attitudes or behaviors exhibited, etc. But, living in relationship with Jesus is worth it all! As Paul addressed Timothy in his first letter, he said, "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." (I Timothy 4:8) Let's live as God's holy people whose inner core is strengthened to support us & make us strong on the inside, so that our outward lives reflect the inner life of Christ.
My prayer for you is this:
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."
Monday, April 14, 2008
To crave means "to long for; want greatly; desire eagerly; to have an intense desire for"...
This "craving" principle is spiritual as well as physical. I crave what I feed myself. Physically, after a yummy salad, my body craves chocolate. If I stopped giving in to that craving, eventually it would stop. I would starve my craving. That's a physical reality. If I fill my time with watching TV, I will crave TV. If I work out 2 hours a day, my body will crave working out. The principle again~I crave what I feed on.
I have become a woman who craves the Living Word. That craving did not just happen, I really trained myself to "hunger and thirst after righteousness". I had read the scripture "Taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8) and the Lord began to place that desire within me. Over the years, I have noticed gradually that I cannot live without tasting the Word daily. It is a craving. I must have it. My Bible goes with me everywhere~it is packed first when I am leaving on a trip. I keep notecards in my car & kitchen that have scriptures written on them. I am meditating on God's Word throughout the whole day...why? Because I crave it!
Galations 5:16 -17a says this, "So I say, live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires/cravings of the sinful nature (flesh). For the sinful nature (flesh) desires/craves what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature (flesh)."
When I feed the flesh, the flesh will win and when I feed my spirit (with the things of the Spirit), the Spirit will win. As believers, we need to recognize what we are feeding....the flesh or the spirit. A good way to find out what you are feeding is to ask this question:
What do you crave? Is what you are craving feeding your spirit man (to strenthen you & transform you into the image of Christ) or is what you crave feeding your flesh (your selfish desires~getting what you want, when you want it). This is a conflict all our lives until we meet Jesus face to face. Even Paul writes at the end of verse 17 "They (meaning spirit & flesh) are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want." So, I am in good company. Paul , the great apostle, wrote of the struggle!
I am working on some "starving" in my life right now. Starving myself from cravings that were feeding the flesh, not the spirit. So, as my body cries out to satisfy these cravings, I remind myself that "I live by the Spirit and do not satisfy the desires of the flesh". My heart's desire is to "long for; want greatly; desire eagerly; to have an intense desire for"....JESUS! How I want to CRAVE HIM!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
1) The 1st stage is the "egg". In the Monarch's life, the eggs are laid on milkweed, the only plant the monarchs can eat. And, the eggs are laid singly.
So, for the believer's life, the "seeds" of faith (egg) have been planted in his/her heart by various means (a Gospel message, a neighbor telling of the grace & mercy of Jesus in their life, a prayer answered in miraculous ways, etc.). The seeds will bear fruit if they are laid on the rich "soil" in the heart. In the life of a believer, the decision to accept Christ is a "singly" decision--each person needs to make that choice to follow Jesus.
Q: Is the soil in your heart ready to receive the seed (egg) of faith? Have you made a decision to follow Jesus?
2) The 2nd stage in the process of metamorphosis is the caterpillar. The eggs hatch and the caterpillar is so small it can barely be seen; it grows very fast though, feeding on NOTHING BUT THE MILKWEED LEAVES!

Q: Are you feeding on the Word of God? Is there a change in your life since giving Jesus all of you?
3) Pupa is the 3rd stage. When the caterpillar is full-grown, it crawls 30-40 feet away from the milkweed, to find a safe place to pupate. The chrysalis is a protective shell for the caterpillar inside; dramatic changes occur inside the chrysalis.

Often the Lord takes us into the wilderness for our dramatic changes to occur. These are times of refreshing with the Lord and also a time of stripping away the old nature. This can be painful, yet the changes that happen are magnificent. We trust God to do what needs to be done in this wilderness time. Moses spent 40 years in the desert for the dramatic changes that would occur (he then met with Pharaoh). Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness and came forth with his public ministry begun. Hosea speaks of the Lord alluring His people into the desert; leading her into the desert to speak tenderly to her (to begin the stripping process of all that is not of Him). Joshua wandered in the desert for 40 years (being trained) to take possession of the land the Lord was giving the Israelites.
Q: Have you had or are you experiencing now a wilderness experience with the Lord? What dramatic changes have you seen in your life?
4) The last developmental stage of metamorphosis is that the Monarch butterfly breaks free from the chrysalis; the transformation is complete; a total maturity is begins the next generation.

With the believer, maturity is the goal. We want to be transformed into the image of Christ. As our journey continues (because we are not totally mature until we see Jesus face to face) we share our story with another of Jesus' grace & mercy upon us....and so the next generation begins. The metamorphosis starts all over again.
Each believer is a new creation in Christ; the old has gone, the new has come. The butterfly is a totally new creation. There is not a remnant of the old egg or caterpillar--it is something brand new. Jesus does that with each one of us who say "Yes" to Him. We are changed, dramatically. The old nature is gone, and the new nature is upon us....something totally new & different!
The goal of this blog is to present ideas, thoughts, scriptures that will speak to our spirits and our souls--for a metamorphosis--a transformation of a life!
Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."