1) The 1st stage is the "egg". In the Monarch's life, the eggs are laid on milkweed, the only plant the monarchs can eat. And, the eggs are laid singly.
So, for the believer's life, the "seeds" of faith (egg) have been planted in his/her heart by various means (a Gospel message, a neighbor telling of the grace & mercy of Jesus in their life, a prayer answered in miraculous ways, etc.). The seeds will bear fruit if they are laid on the rich "soil" in the heart. In the life of a believer, the decision to accept Christ is a "singly" decision--each person needs to make that choice to follow Jesus.
Q: Is the soil in your heart ready to receive the seed (egg) of faith? Have you made a decision to follow Jesus?
2) The 2nd stage in the process of metamorphosis is the caterpillar. The eggs hatch and the caterpillar is so small it can barely be seen; it grows very fast though, feeding on NOTHING BUT THE MILKWEED LEAVES!

Q: Are you feeding on the Word of God? Is there a change in your life since giving Jesus all of you?
3) Pupa is the 3rd stage. When the caterpillar is full-grown, it crawls 30-40 feet away from the milkweed, to find a safe place to pupate. The chrysalis is a protective shell for the caterpillar inside; dramatic changes occur inside the chrysalis.

Often the Lord takes us into the wilderness for our dramatic changes to occur. These are times of refreshing with the Lord and also a time of stripping away the old nature. This can be painful, yet the changes that happen are magnificent. We trust God to do what needs to be done in this wilderness time. Moses spent 40 years in the desert for the dramatic changes that would occur (he then met with Pharaoh). Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness and came forth with his public ministry begun. Hosea speaks of the Lord alluring His people into the desert; leading her into the desert to speak tenderly to her (to begin the stripping process of all that is not of Him). Joshua wandered in the desert for 40 years (being trained) to take possession of the land the Lord was giving the Israelites.
Q: Have you had or are you experiencing now a wilderness experience with the Lord? What dramatic changes have you seen in your life?
4) The last developmental stage of metamorphosis is that the Monarch butterfly breaks free from the chrysalis; the transformation is complete; a total maturity is achieved.....so begins the next generation.

With the believer, maturity is the goal. We want to be transformed into the image of Christ. As our journey continues (because we are not totally mature until we see Jesus face to face) we share our story with another of Jesus' grace & mercy upon us....and so the next generation begins. The metamorphosis starts all over again.
Each believer is a new creation in Christ; the old has gone, the new has come. The butterfly is a totally new creation. There is not a remnant of the old egg or caterpillar--it is something brand new. Jesus does that with each one of us who say "Yes" to Him. We are changed, dramatically. The old nature is gone, and the new nature is upon us....something totally new & different!
The goal of this blog is to present ideas, thoughts, scriptures that will speak to our spirits and our souls--for a metamorphosis--a transformation of a life!
Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."
okay, so you need to stop just copying everything that's going on in my life! hahaha, just kidding! this is so incredible! it definitely spoke to me... you know, just a little bit. ;)
i love it!!!!!!!
Whoa...the part about the wilderness: very powerful and relevant. THANK YOU, Kristen for these thoughts. What a richness is here. Jesus in you is amazing!
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