It Started With a Mirror
By Hannah Reynolds
June 27, 2008
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV)
By Hannah Reynolds
June 27, 2008
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV)
Hooks. They can start out small and may be seemingly nonthreatening, but the second the enemy gets us with the first one - well, that's just it; we're "hooked." Once he gets us with that first one, we can still proceed on out journey with Christ, but there is more resistance and we become easier targets. Then Satan hooks us again...and again, and again, until we are fighting with everything we have to press forward but we are making little progress.
After a long talk with my mentor and a visual from Judges 4, when Sisera, the army commander who had cruelly oppressed the Israelites for years, was killed when Jael drove a tent peg through his temple, I knew that I needed to drive the "tent peg" through those lies and demolish any and every argument that had set itself up against the knowledge of God because the war that most plagues our lives is the spiritual battle that takes place inside our own heads (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
While meditating on several verses I had been armed with one afternoon, God gave me the idea of a mirror and I knew right away what I was going to do. I bought a large, circular mirror, took it home, and I began painting on those lies - those hooks - where the enemy had taken my mind captive and before I knew it, I had covered the majority of the mirror with black paint.
I wrote down every single one of the hooks as I painted them on because I knew that I needed to find Scripture to counter them, so I spent the next two weeks digging deep into my Bible to pull out the truth. I knew that my ultimate goal would be breaking my mirror, but I didn't just want to break it - I wanted to go through each and every one of those hooks and say something to the effect of, "I know that I am not trapped, stuck, or enslaved because the Lord tells me that I have been rescued, liberated, vindicated, emancipated, and freed!"
When the day finally came for me to break my mirror, I had the support of my mentor who not only let me use her garage to break the mirror, but kept a hand on me and encouraged me the entire time. I picked up the hammer and read through the first hook on my list. I drove the hammer down onto the mirror and...nothing happened. I picked up the hammer again and completely threw my whole body into motion and slammed it down into the mirror. It cracked and glass pieces flew everywhere. It was exciting, it was liberating, and it was powerful.
Breaking the strongholds was merely the start - now I have to practice walking out the complete opposite direction so that when Satan tries to hook me again, I can recognize and cast down the thought because I know what the truth is. How do I find the truth? I'll just give word that were given to me by my mentor and have become my prayer on this journey: "Begin to meditate on the truth...that's the only way to walk this out. God's Word has to take root in the rich soil of your heart - where the 'head knowledge' moves into your heart! That is where the difference is seen and lived out!" Hallelujah.
It started with a mirror. It was clouded, it was broken, and it was a mess. With the Lord's help, the pieces were picked up and put together in an entirely new way. It was transformed into a brand new, beautiful, changed piece. My prayer is that we all can "break our mirrors" and let the Lord make us into something much greater than we could have ever imagined.
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