There are 2 rivers moving in opposite directions; 1 is the river of the culture (world) and the other river is the River of the Kingdom of God. It used to be that you could have 1 foot in 1 river and 1 foot in the other.....however that is not true any longer. Both rivers are running high and fast. As the waters rise, you will be swept away.
In these days in which we are living, the question we need to seriously consider is this:
- Which river am I in? Which river has most of me?
- And if we are parents, we need to consider this question: Which river am I immersing my children into? Where will you lead your family? Who's going to raise your kids?
We must decide which river/stream we will live in. The river of the culture (world) is sin and destruction. What may seem innocent to you now, will soon own you. As the darkness gets darker and as evil is called good and good evil, God has called us to stand as signposts to the world. We cannot be a signpost if we are flowing along with the river of the culture. Be alert. Awaken your spiritual eyes and ears. We are called to discern the times in which we are living...it is a time to give up the lesser pleasures this world has to offer and go after the deep pleasures of the River of God.
The River of the Kingdom of God is running fast and strong. As we immerse ourselves (and our children) in this river, we will have hearts and minds set on the Kingdom of heaven. Strength, power and authority are released in this river. Courage to stand. Boldness to speak. Jump into this river....get out of the river of this culture. The world promises what it can't deliver. But God delivers on ALL His promises. He is the Faithful One. He is calling us to swim with the current of the God of heaven.
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