Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Biggest Bully, Satan

This past week, I heard a couple radio programs on bullying and then saw a news show on the subject of bullying. The Lord uses these everyday experiences to get my attention, so I asked, "Lord, what are You trying to say to me about bullying?" God pointed me to the enemy, Satan....the biggest bully and the creator of that evil idea of bullying.

The information given on the radio programs and the news show, gave insight to the problem of bullying. The bully uses verbal and physical means to put down another, to the point of discouragement, abuse, isolation, and even suicide. No longer is it just "playground bullying" that happens; the internet now plays a role that can be a 24/7 means of bullying with social media sites, such as facebook and video sites like youtube.

Satan, our bully, hates us and will do whatever he can to cause us to be defeated; emotionally, physically and spiritually. Discouragement is one of the enemy's key tools that opens the mind for him to use all his other tools: pride, hate, greed, oppression, depression, anger, etc. I Peter 5:9 tells us, "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." Our enemy is a bully. "Diabolos" is the Greek word for devil and it literally means to hit and beat and beat and beat to penetrate the mind, which will build a stronghold or prison. So many believers are letting the enemy (our bully) beat them into discouragement....what holds the enemy off?

The best way I have found to hold back the enemy, is to stay in God's presence....to sit in the Lord's presence. I know it sounds foolish and trite~ there must be a 10 step program to hold back the enemy's bullying tactics! BUT, what I have found is that it is quite simple, except for the fact that it takes a determination of the will sometimes to not give in to the feelings of discouragement, etc. I need to determine in my heart that I will meet with God. I know it is building a stronghold in my mind to keep the enemy out! When I am feeling discouraged or not at peace or worried, depressed, angry, etc, I ask myself, "How much time have I been spending in God's presence?" There are so many things in life that come against our time with Jesus, but if we are purposeful and make time to listen to His voice, to share our needs, confess our sins & receive His forgiveness....Jesus will make a way when there seems like there is no way. The enemy must flee when we resist him.

Watch for these traps of the enemy that will cause us to lose our solid footing and give the bully a way in:

1) Busyness (being under Satan's yoke)
2) Temptation with money (feeling greed get ahold in my heart)
3) Working long days and very hard (wearyness sets in)
4) Overstimulation by TV, computer, movies
5) Books or magazines (worldly culture that permeates the mind)
6) Chasing material possessions
7) Focused on outward appearance (takes time, energy and money)
8) Too exhausted for intimacy (marriages suffer greatly)
9) Self-sufficiency
10) Distracted by "good causes" that keep you from the focus of "eternal causes"

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