Think of a puzzle. If you put all the pieces of a puzzle on the table and begin to put the pieces together, it is helpful to have the picture of the finished product in front of you, so you know where to put all the pieces. If you didn't have the picture, it would make the puzzle a lot more difficult to put together--if you don't even know what it is suppose to be! We did this experiment during the "Mission Possible" night. Women gathered to write a mission statement and set goals for the new year and celebrate what God did in 2008! We divided into groups; some groups had a puzzle in the box, so they could see the picture. Others got the puzzle pieces in a lunch sack. They had to try to figure out what the picture was suppose to be....I explained how this activity is much like living life without the direction/guidance of goals or a mission statement. It helps to keep life focused. Even with a mission statement, there are times during the year where I am totally off! But, the mission brings me back in check. The goal when writing a mission statement is this: stay on course 80% of the time!
As you begin to think through some goals for this new year or if you want to write a mission statement, I have a ten tips:
1) Get alone with God~ sit before Him quietly; thanking Him for all His faithfulness in the previous year; ask Him what He might have for you in the new year
2) Ask the Lord to make a statement or scripture or idea jump off the page or stand out among all others or repeat it over and over
3) Be realistic. Don't write your "dreams for life" in the mission for the year. Make this year a stepping stone to fulfilling those dreams that God has placed in your heart.
4) The goal for 2009~ stay on course 80% of the time
5) You may need to change your goals as the year goes on; stay flexible
6) Write out your mission statement and keep it in a prominent place where you will see it daily
7) Don't have too many goals. 2-3 realistic goals are great! You may want to have a goal in 3 different areas of your life or you may want to focus on 1 area this year. (Work, relationships, physical body, spiritual life, heart--mind/will/emotions)
8) This exercise is not for everyone! Achievers will love it! Spontaneous people will not!
9) The reason for mission statements and goal setting (according to me): "Be very careful then, how you live~ not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15-16)
10) Have fun with it!
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