Sunday, September 20, 2009
In a movie I saw this week, there was a scene of children walking along the grass, in a beautiful field...and the next minute they were gone, dropped down through the ground into an underground mineshaft. The foundation "looked" secure; the grass was growing and green and there was nothing suspicious about the foundation. However, it really was no foundation at all. As soon as the feet stepped onto the area, the ground broke under them...and into a pit they fell.
I thought about the foundation on which we build our lives. Is it strong? Is our foundation secure? Or is it a pretty green patch, that has the "look" of a strong foundation, but it is only a facade? How firm is our foundation? Will it hold up under storms and winds of change and trials? These are questions we need to ask ourselves in these days....In Luke 6:46-49 Jesus gives tells us a parable (a story to explain a truth). Most of us know it well. There is one man who builds his house on a rock (he dug down deep and laid a strong foundation). Another man built his house upon ground (without a foundation). When storms come and torrents struck, the house on the rock was not moved, because it was well-built. The house that was built without a foundation collapsed and was utterly destroyed when the storms came. Life is characterized by torrents and storms; no one is exempt.
I hopped on a website to check out "sinking foundations" of houses. Here is the question to ask: Was the foundation built on "fill" or disturbed soil? A sinking foundation can lead to major structural damage to your home; structural deterioration. The usual causes are bad drainage, ground movement, or poor construction. Take a look at your house. Do you notice: gradual slanting, misaligned doors or windows, or cracks in basement or sheetrock? These could be signs of a sinking foundation. The solution: steel piers~ these give support and stabalization of your foundation's walls.
So, let's ask that question:
*Was your spiritual foundation built on "fill" or disturbed soil? How was the soil of your heart when you began your journey with Jesus? Is there any "tilling" that needs to happen to provide good soil for the foundation? One of the men in Luke 6 dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. The other man built a house on the ground without a foundation (fill).
*Have you noticed any structural damage to your "home"? Any misaligned doors/windows? (that would be noticable from the outside)~ What happens when the storms come?
*Causes~ ground movement/poor construction/bad drainage. How would you describe the construction of your house? What happens when the torrents strike the house?
The solution: get support and stabalization of your foundation's walls. We all need to have support and stabalization as we build our house. No one is to walk this life in Jesus alone....the storms come and waters rage, and our house will stand firm on the rock. But even in storms, friends help make the storms "not so scary". Let's be the man who hears God's Words and puts them into practice~ that's how to make the foundation strong (Jesus says), so when the storms come (and they will), our house will not shake because it was well built.
Monday, August 31, 2009
I'm Coming Your Way
We, the beloved of Jesus, are His bride. We have been chosen by God since before the creation of the world. Ephesians 1:4-5 says, "Long before He laid down the earth's foundations, He had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of His love, to be made whole and holy by His love. Long, long ago He decided to adopt us into His family through Jesus Christ." (Message Translation) He chose me! He chose you! He is in love with His bride. He longs to catch us up in His loving arms~ to embrace His bride; to speak tenderly to her; to share His secrets with her. Do you realize that you are His beloved? If you know Jesus, you are betrothed to Him. This may be a new concept to you, but this "bridal paradigm" is where He wants us to remain. That we would see ourselves as a bride, betrothed to our Heavenly Groom, awaiting His return to take us to heaven with Him.
In a traditional Jewish betrothal (during Jesus' day), after the betrothal ceremony, the groom would return to his father's house. He would go to prepare a place for his bride in his father's house. (Doesn't that sound familiar to Jesus' words in John 14:2-3, "Now I go to prepare a place for you in my father's house. And I will come back to take you to be with me.") The rabbi set forth that the place to which the bride was to be taken must be better than the place she had lived before. The bridal chamber was only complete when the father of the groom said it was finished. So, the groom didn't even know the exact time when he could go and get his bride! During the betrothal period, the bride would prepare herself, so she would be ready when her groom came to carry her away! This betrothal period is known as, Kiddushim, meaning "sanctification" or "set apart". This period is different than our "engagement", for once a young man & woman were betrothed to one another, they were considered married (except there was no physical relationship). The betrothal period lasted approximately one year. It was a surprise to the bride when her groom would come, so towards the end of that time period the anxious bride would sleep with her bridal gown on, for she wanted to be ready & waiting for her groom. How are we, the bride, using our betrothal period? What should we be doing to prepare the return of the groom? Repentance, humility, worship, prayer, loving our groom more than anything else, keeping our covenant promises. Are you ready?
The groom's goal was to be unexpected on the arrival of the wedding day. He wanted to surprise his bride. At night, the groom's bestman would call out through the village, "Behold the bridegroom comes!" Villagers would join the wedding party as they made their way to the bride's home. As they got closer, the group would hush. The groom would call out to his bride, "Arise, come darling; my beautiful one, come with me." (Song of Solomon 2:10). She would put on her light, grab her veil and go into the dark night to meet her husband. The first stop would be under the huppah to confirm the wedding covenant made at the betrothal ceremony. This ceremony was done at night, under the stars as a reminder for the bride and groom of God's promise to Abraham of descendents as numerous as the stars in the sky. In the ceremony, the bride receives a ring which is placed on her index finger of the right hand, the finger used to point out Scripture in the Torah. The wedding celebration would last for 7 days with feasting and gifts. The bride and groom would emerge from the bridal chamber to greet the guests...
The wedding supper of the Lamb to come. Jesus told his disciples that he didn't know the day or hour of his return (Matthew 24:32-36), only his Father did. Will we hear a voice from heaven that shouts to the whole earth, "Behold the Bridegrooom comes!"? And our Heavenly groom will gather His bride, "Arise, come darling; my beautiful one, come with me." Revelation 19:7 says this of this event that is to come, "Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding supper of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready." Let us be the bride who is ready for her groom. You may want to read Matthew 25:1-13 to see the loving warning Jesus gives. This is an exciting time, our betrothal period. Jesus, I'm coming your way!
*Below is a video where you can see a bride & groom who present themselves to one another without a stain or blemish...a pure bride and a pure groom. As you watch this video, put yourself in the place of the bride and picture your glorious Jesus as the groom. What a day that will be when we see Him face to face. He removes our veil & tells us the we have stolen His heart. What a day that will be.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Will you help me find my daddy?
This summer, after attending the morning session at the Desperation conference (New Life Church, Colorado Springs), our team went to a fast food restaurant to grab lunch. The session title was "Are you an orphan, slave or son?" The theme that ran throughout the teaching was that spiritual fathers and mothers need to rise up to call out the destinies over the young people whom God has called them to "parent". So many of the youth who are in desperate pursuit of Jesus need mothers and fathers in the faith to believe in them, encourage them, call them up higher, challenge them, and to live radical lives in Christ that will be a model for these young people. Paul tells Timothy to "Imitate me". Paul could say that because Paul imitated Christ, so if Timothy was imitating Paul, he was really imitating Jesus. My husband and I know that God has called us to be a spiritual father and mother to kids that God has put in our path. While we were driving to the restaurant, we were talking over the ideas presented at the session. With tears we understand the blessing and responsibility it is to be called to "parent" these amazing young people. Upon entering the restaurant, a prophetic experience (confirmation) happened for me. I want to share it, because I believe it is a call for many in the spirit.
We waited in line (which took awhile, because it was very busy~ we weren't the only ones from the conference who chose this restaurant to visit) and ordered our food. Gathering our food bags & sodas, I stopped at the condiment counter to grab ketchep, straws, etc. A little boy (maybe 4-5), grabbed my hand and said to me, "Will you help me find my daddy? I can't find him. I don't know where he is." I handed my armful of lunch goodies to one of the kids with me, and grabbed this little one tightly to me and said, "Of course honey. Let's go find him." As I mentioned, the restaurant was very full, so there were people everywhere. From this little boy's perspective, all he saw were legs! So we walked around, my hand in his, looking for his daddy. I asked, "What does your daddy look like?" "I don't know. He's big," was his response. We made our way through the restaurant and finally he saw him. "DADDY" was his call! "I didn't know where you were. I couldn't find you," he said. "Well, I was right here," responded his daddy. "A lady helped me find you," continued my young friend. As soon as he saw his daddy, he let go of my hand. His dad was in his sight and he didn't need my help any longer. When I saw that he was in daddy's hands, I met my team and shared this experience. It certainly didn't take more than a second for me to understand that this was a prophetic act. What I was doing in the physical was what the Lord has asked of me to do in the spiritual.
How many young people are asking, "Will you help me find my daddy?" Are we willing? Am I willing? It just takes my hand joining their hand and sharing my life with theirs....and we will then lead them to daddy. Sometimes, we have to go through the "whole restaurant" until they can let go of our hear those words, "Oh there's my daddy...." What we do know of our daddy, is that we may not know what he looks like physically, we do know that He is BIG! And when we lead the young ones to Him, He says, "I was right here." I want to be counted as a faithful spiritual mother to those who need to find their daddy. I want to be one who calls out the destinies in those who I physically and spiritually parent.
What about you? Who is God calling you to be a spiritual father or mother to? Can you hear the question calling out, "Will you help me find my daddy?"
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Trasition~ this is the stage of labor (physically) before a baby is born. This is the hardest part of labor. It usually doesn't last too long, but it is the most intense part of labor. Physically the pain makes you want to quit (we know the reality is that you can't quit), but it is so hard and so painful that a laboring mom may say, "I can't do this anymore" or "I want to go home". There are helps offered to a mom during this intense time...
1) focal point~ she has something to focus on; to be centered on; to concentrate on; an object to look at
2) breathe~ at Lamaze classes, the mom has learned how to breathe in short breaths & she has practiced it...during transition, she gets to put it into real life practice!
3) coaches~ she doesn't go through transition alone; her husband is there next to her, at least one nurse is there, sometimes a family member of friend joins the labor team too! The job of these coaches is to cheer her along; "You can do it", "Not much longer now", "I'm so proud of you", "You are doing so well"~ words of encouragement are given & the coaches help the laboring mom breathe correctly and stay focused!
4) necessary~ transition is necessary in order to birth a baby! There is no skipping transition!
What does this have to do with the people of GOD (His remnant)? What do we birth? A new thing...a new marching orders...
Many of us are in transition. We may feel like giving up or thinking this is just too hard. There is good news! We can take the physical "helps" that a laboring mom has & apply it to us as we spiritually labor!
1) focal point~ have you had a word of revelation that God has spoken to your heart? A prophetic word spoken over you? A scripture that has become "rhema" to your spirit? A dream that God has given you? Hang onto that! Let that be your focal point. Do not give up! Labor on!
2) Breathe~ For us in spiritual transition, we need to breathe easy; rest in Him. Don't make it happen in your own strength. When we breathe, allow God's Spirit to come in...give Him time to do what He wants to do in this transition.
3) Coaches~ God has given us a company of warriors to "coach" us through this hard laboring time. They help us breathe and keep us focused and offer encouragement!
4) Necessary~ this is necessary in order to birth this new thing!
If the Lord has you in this place of transition~ REJOICE! A new thing is coming. Don't give up! Don't say it is too hard. Gather some warriors & encourage one another.....the birth of this new thing is almost here!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Change. I drove my son to guitar lessons today and the McDonald's which has stood on the corner for the last 12 years was gone! Demolished. Only dirt. Last week it was there. This week it is gone.
Change. Our family getaway to KC last weekend, consisted of my husband, son & I....our girls were working and couldn't join us. This was the first time of the "new" family arrangement. Our girls are older and just couldn't get away with us. So, instead of 5, there were 3.
Change. This world is changing in front of our eyes; faster than ever before. We can't keep up with the change~ the good and the bad.
Constant. One thing is certain. Jesus never changes. The phrase from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe "Everything you have ever known is about to change" does not apply to Jesus. He stays the same, yesterday, today and forever. He is immovable. He is constant. He is faithful. He is unshakable. He is in control. He is our center. Jesus is the peace in the midst of chaos. Do not be fearful or anxious. Put your trust in Him. Hold fast to Jesus and He will see you through.
"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe." Hebrews 12:28
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
With the heat comes the warning to drink lots of water; to keep your body hydrated. I am calling this out to the kids who gather in our backyard; jumping on the tramp, playing soccer or swimming in the pool. I will say, "Have you had water?" or "Who needs water?".
While on a long run last week, in the heat of the day, I was craving water. I didn't bring any with me and about halfway through the run, it consumed my thoughts....and I pressed on with the goal of a cold bottle of water waiting for me in the fridge! In the heat of summer, we need to make sure we are hydrating our bodies...we don't always realize how much we are in need of water until it is too late. I have experienced the sickness of heatstroke a couple times in my adult life~ chills, then hot all over, a headache, not even wanting to consume any water, and an inability to move. So, since that has happened, I know my body and continue drinking water, even when I don't "feel like" I am thirsty. I don't want to experience that sickness again!
So it is in our spiritual walk....the same warning rings true for us in the summer heat: "Have you had water?" or "Who needs water?". Jesus is the LIVING WATER who satifies our thirst. Jesus, when talking to the woman at the well in John 4:14 says, "whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." Spending time with the Living Water produces in us springs of water, which well up and spill out. Are you thirsty? Are you going to the right source to quench that thirst or are you drinking from the wells that won't satisfy? Jeremiah 2:13 says, "My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water." What are you drinking from? Go to the true well, the Living Water to fill you to overflowing with cool, refreshing, life-giving water. Stop getting the water from your own cistern; it won't satisfy for long. The summer heat dries up the water in the cistern quickly...we need to go to the deep well for all the water that gives life and satifies the thirst.
This summer, spend time drinking from the Living Well. Keep hydrated spiritually! Then you can call out to those who are thirsty, "Who needs water?" And you will bring to them the Living Water, because it flows within you, welling up and spilling out.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Closing the Chapter
And here we are. Another one of my children on her way! The memories have come like floods, in the days of preparation for the PARTY! Seeing the pictures of childhood, the school papers, the handwriting, the dreams....all laid out (all that money on scrapbooks was well spent after all)! I remember the first days of kindergarten, when I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle Katelyn gone for the whole morning! Wouldn't she miss me? What if she needs me? It was an easy transition for her. She loved her teacher and her classmates~ such a social little girl. Then on to first grade....all day long...are you kidding? What am I missing? I am not the one to teach her things and show her all the wonders in this world. Oh, how quickly time goes by....
first grade~ a love for reading
second grade~ a love for math
third grade~ a love for drama & singing
fourth grade~ a love for soccer, which stays throughout high school
fifth grade~ tried homeschooling for a year~ she didn't love that!
sixth grade~ a love for writing
seventh grade~ a love for changing classrooms
eigth grade~a love for a new school, Concordia
ninth grade~ a love for the Lord; her heart is on fire
tenth grade~ a love for all people & a desire for Africa is stirring
eleventh grade~ a love for the people of Malawi; mission trip plants the seed
twelth grade~ a love for whatever God has for her; a heart open to His plans
And so, we close this chapter. I am waiting with hope in my heart for the next chapter that the Lord will write. The pages are blank. The writer is poised, with pen in hand...for Katelyn, this next chapter is entitled: Twentyfourseven. That is the desire of her heart~ to live a life unto the Lord 24/7. So it begins.......
"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:6-9
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Why God Made Moms :)
Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions: Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.
How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2 Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3. God made my Mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.
What ingredients are mothers made of ?
1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think.
Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?
1. We're related.
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me.
What kind of little girl was your mom?
1. My Mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3. They say she used to be nice.
What did Mom need to know about dad before she married him?
1. His last name.
2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer?
3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?
Why did your mom marry your dad?
1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my Mom eats a lot.
2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
3. My grandma says that Mom didn't have her thinking cap on.
Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goof ball.
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess Mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.
What's the difference between moms & dads?
1. Moms work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at work.
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller & stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friend's.
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.
What does your mom do in her spare time?
1. Mothers don't do spare time.
2. To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.
What would it take to make your mom perfect?
1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2. Diet. You know, her hair. I'd diet, maybe blue.
If you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be?
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid of that.
2. I'd make my mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did it and not me.
3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.
Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Walking in Freedom
The Israelites spent so many years in bondage and slavery by the Egytians that when their freedom came, they did not know how to live as free men & women either. Bondage had been all they had freedom didn't seem to make the Israelites free....
What about you? What about me? So many years in bondage to sin; slaves to sin and yet, we have been set free~ for those of us who are disciples of Jesus. We have been set free...Galations 5:1 says, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." This is the truth of what has happened to us (just as the Israelites had been set free or when the slaves in the US were set free)...the truth needs to be walked out. So, are you hungry to be free? Because it is a process; freedom is a lifestyle; we have to walk it out. In John 8:31, Jesus is talking to "church" people and the Word says, "To the Jews who had believed in him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
Freedom is the ability to live without bondage to sin!
God's desire is that we live in freedom. He has already set us free; now we have to live it out! So here are a couple principles in "walking in freedom":
1) Freedom begins with a new focus~ Seek Him First; Eyes fixed on Jesus (Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek first His kingdom)! When we focus on Jesus and His kingdom, we stop focusing on our sin.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Oh, Baby!
The center has blessed the Omaha area for over twenty years. “We started out doing pregnancy tests, and referring women to places in the community that could help them the most. We have grown into a full service advocate for women facing unplanned pregnancies, which includes a wide array of medical services” (
After being at the center and going through each “step” they provide for women there, I can tell you that they do so much more than offer medical services. They have true passion for the babies involved, but what is remarkably beautiful is the passion for the mothers. They truly counsel these women. They care about them. They love them. They establish relationships with them. They want them to know every option available so that each mother can make the best choice she can.

That is what this love is all about.
That is what this life is all about.
His love is what changes lives!
At the beginning of the evening, I was expecting to simply bring a few baby clothes for those in need. I was not expecting to be blessed by what I saw, but my heart burst open inside of me that night. As I walked out to the car that evening, the brisk April air hit my cheeks and the deep breath I took in was a fresh burst of life in my lungs and my heart.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Bridal Shop
The first place we started for the perfect dress was a bridal shop (how things have changed since I was shopping for a prom dress)! :) The electricity in the atmosphere of a bridal shop is contagious. Girls looking for the dress for her wedding day...mothers and daughters and friends and sisters...I was excited for everyone in the place! I complimented the girls, who were gazing into the large mirrors, looking to see how the dress looked from the front, back, and side view. How's the neckline? What about the color? Too white, not white enough? Too much lace? Not enough lace? Camera phones were snapping pictures all over this open platform, mirrored area! How beautiful they looked. Dress after dress filled the fitting room area, which is out in the open for all to behold.
Just then, all the moms & daughters & sisters & friends turned their gaze to a flower girl, who was dressed in the most adorable princess dress. She flowed as she walked, with the "poofy" bodice of the dress and the glitter that shone in the light. This little one (around 6 years old) walked to the mirror with total confidence of who she was and how beautiful she looked. Her mother informed me that she was a "pro"~ she has done this once before! :) She walked past me and I said "Every girl needs a princess dress like that." Her mom smiled and said, "Oh yes". I was immediately thinking of how Jesus was seeing that little one...interceding on her behalf before the Father, that she would always know herself as His bride, His princess.
There were several young men in this area, waiting to see the dresses of their brides. They looked a little awkward, but smiles were on their faces....waiting to see...or maybe not even to see, but to anticipate which dress his bride may have chosen. I did think & actually say out loud, "I think this is the happiest place in this city"! I could have stayed there all day, admiring all the beautiful girls, who were planning for the most important day of all their lives. What else did they have on the list for today? Invitations, bridesmaid dresses, flowers, etc....all the details of planning a wedding.
So, I asked myself while I waited for my daughter to emerge from the fitting room:
"How am I planning for my wedding day~ the wedding supper of the Lamb?"
"Would others see the beauty of anticipation in my eyes?"
"Am I being prepared for my wedding day?"
"Do I realize how much my groom (the Messiah, Jesus) loves me?"
"Am I happy as a bride?"
I am so thankful for this experience today at the bridal shop. It has spurred in me a joy & excitement & anticipation for my wedding day...."Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready." Revelation 19:7
Kate chose a gorgeous dress to wear to her senior prom. We may be having many "lasts" this year, but so many more "firsts" are to come!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Sunshine Country
As the story goes, a boy hears of a country called the "sunshine Country" where the sun never, never went down. The boy goes in search of this country~ which he believes is over the range of mountains near his home. He climbs higher and higher up the mountain, arrives at the top and looks down into a beautiful valley enclosed by mountains on all sides and flooded with May sunshine. As he begins to climb downward into the valley, he comes across a little cave dwelling. He enters it, needing some rest and shade and when he goes inside, he sees a little table with a book sitting upon it. Opening it, the boy read the words that were written on the first page:
"Whoever you are~ you who take this sacred volume in your hand~ read it with perseverance and attention, line after line. It shall teach you the Way that leads from this vale of tears to the country where there is no night and where the sun never goes down, the land of light and happiness eternal."
The young boy returns to this little cave week after week to read the words of this sacred volume. When he is away from the cave these words repeat in his head, "Line by line." And you can figure out the ending....he gives his life to the Lord Jesus and surrenders all to Him, obeying Him, longing to be in the sunshine country.
May we hear the Word, read it for ourselves with perseverance and attention, line after line, obey it that we may long to be in the sunshine country with our Glorious, Magnificent, Perfect, Lamb of God, who is the light!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Silent, Still, Surrendered
John turns and fell at Jesus' feet, as though dead. What are characteristics of a dead man? Silent, still, surrendered. These words have been a revelation to me this week. To be silent, still and surrendered to Jesus Christ.
- Silent~ no argueing, no justifying, no whining or complaining, no asking, no speaking, quiet
- Still ~ not moving, quiet, without movement
- Surrendered ~ Your will, not mine; Your way, not mine; All for Your glory, body & mind given to you; handed over to You; submitted to You; yielded to You
This week I wrote those 3 words in permanent marker on my remind myself that I was one who desired to live silent, still and surrendered to Jesus. I made the decision to be silent with my mouth, so does no voice=silence? Not this week. My mind went talking for me! I had many thoughts & ideas & words rambling through my mind. What a lesson the Lord taught me through my vocal is not only my voice that needed to be silent before Him. I had to practice quieting my mind (the place of the attitudes, will & emotions). My mind had to be commanded to be silent, still and surrendered to the Lord. I need to be a "like a dead man" inside & out, so that I can feel Jesus place his right hand on me and speak....
Friday, February 6, 2009
Mission Possible
Think of a puzzle. If you put all the pieces of a puzzle on the table and begin to put the pieces together, it is helpful to have the picture of the finished product in front of you, so you know where to put all the pieces. If you didn't have the picture, it would make the puzzle a lot more difficult to put together--if you don't even know what it is suppose to be! We did this experiment during the "Mission Possible" night. Women gathered to write a mission statement and set goals for the new year and celebrate what God did in 2008! We divided into groups; some groups had a puzzle in the box, so they could see the picture. Others got the puzzle pieces in a lunch sack. They had to try to figure out what the picture was suppose to be....I explained how this activity is much like living life without the direction/guidance of goals or a mission statement. It helps to keep life focused. Even with a mission statement, there are times during the year where I am totally off! But, the mission brings me back in check. The goal when writing a mission statement is this: stay on course 80% of the time!
As you begin to think through some goals for this new year or if you want to write a mission statement, I have a ten tips:
1) Get alone with God~ sit before Him quietly; thanking Him for all His faithfulness in the previous year; ask Him what He might have for you in the new year
2) Ask the Lord to make a statement or scripture or idea jump off the page or stand out among all others or repeat it over and over
3) Be realistic. Don't write your "dreams for life" in the mission for the year. Make this year a stepping stone to fulfilling those dreams that God has placed in your heart.
4) The goal for 2009~ stay on course 80% of the time
5) You may need to change your goals as the year goes on; stay flexible
6) Write out your mission statement and keep it in a prominent place where you will see it daily
7) Don't have too many goals. 2-3 realistic goals are great! You may want to have a goal in 3 different areas of your life or you may want to focus on 1 area this year. (Work, relationships, physical body, spiritual life, heart--mind/will/emotions)
8) This exercise is not for everyone! Achievers will love it! Spontaneous people will not!
9) The reason for mission statements and goal setting (according to me): "Be very careful then, how you live~ not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15-16)
10) Have fun with it!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Women's Retreat
Monday, January 19, 2009
A Healthy Heart: Part 3
Part 2 shared the diet changes that are required for a healthy heart. Today, I will share the importance of exercise & stress reduction. This is as crucial for physical heart changes as spiritual heart changes. I Timothy 4:7b-8 says, "...train yourselves to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding the promise for both the present life and the life to come." We need to train ourselves to be godly--this is a discipline. Here are some inner exercises (or disciplines) that will begin our journey of a healthy heart:
1) Sabbath Keeping~ it is important that we take the Sabbath seriously. God instilled a day that we worship Him and not do any is a day of rest. Rest is good for the soul! We are a culture that does not rest well.
2) Obedience~ Obey God's Word! Read Psalm 119 and hear the love of the law that the psalmist writes about. God has your best in mind. "His boundaries lie in pleasant places." (Ps. 16:6)
3) Confession~ Examine your conscience daily. Invite God to move upon your heart and show any areas that need His forgiveness and healing (there are 2 main categories of sin: sins of the heart and sins of the flesh)
*Sins of the heart--pride, arrogance, fear, anger, bitterness, etc.
*Sins of the flesh--laziness, overeating, adultery, overspending, etc.
Confession brings relief, freedom, joy and peace!
4) Meditating on the Word~ This is a time of reflection on a portion of scripture; maybe just one verse. Chew on the Word!
5) Worship~ A focused time on Jesus; to adore Him; to pour your love over Him. Develop a habit of the car, while your doing chores around the house, when kids are napping...Jesus will fill you to overflowing and pour His love over you as you minister to Him!
6) Prayer~ "To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us," (David Foster). Prayer is a conversation, which means there is talking and LISTENING. We do much too much talking. Spend some time with a "prayer journal" & listen to what God is saying to you. Worship first, so your mind is clear of the clutter of the world. Then be still and hear what God is saying to you. Train your ear to hear His quiet voice.
Six disciplines or inner exercises that will transform your soul, which will bring health to your heart. Keep diligent in these matters and a desire will follow. What you feed on, you will crave. So begin feeding on the disciplines of the heart and you will begin to crave them. God's Word is alive and active and will transform you from the inside out. You will be amazed at the healthy heart that the Lord will develop in you~ what is on the inside of us, eventually is produced on the outside. Others will see the change in you too! What a great year it will be as you apply the diet changes, and exercise to reduce stress inwardly~ to have a healthy spiritual heart~ refreshed & renewed in 2009!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
A Healthy Heart -- Part 2
The old computer runs tapes that spin round and round in our mind. These tapes are controlled by the FLESH (Following Long Established Selfish Habits). Paul tells us, in the New Testament that we need to crucify the flesh. Flesh should not reign any longer. But we have lived so long following the FLESH and gratifying the selfish desires of the flesh, that there is work to be done in the diet. We need to STARVE the flesh! Where are you? Take this flesh test (from the book, Having a Mary Spirit by JoAnna Weaver):
1. A prideful spirit~ Do you have an exalted feeling because of success or
Position, good training or appearance, or natural gifts & abilities? An
Independent spirit?
2. A love of praise~Do you like to be noticed? Do you draw attention to
Yourself in conversation? Do you like to hear you are good at
3. A touchy temper~Do you have a touchy spirit? Do you throw sharp
Words at others? Do you make excuses for your impatience or
4. A willful attitude~Do you show a stubborn, unteachable heart? Do you
Like to argue? Are you harsh? Demanding? Driving? Headstrong? Do
You tend to criticize?
5. A fearful heart~Does fear of what others think control what you do or
6. A jealous heart~Do you hide envy in your heart? When someone is
More talented than you, are you tempted to speak of his faults rather
Than his virtues?
7. A dishonest disposition~Do you evade or cover up the truth? Do you
Minimize your real faults and attempt to leave a better impression of
Yourself than is really true? Do you show one face to one person & the
Opposite to another person?
8. A wandering eye~Do you entertain lustful stirrings? Do you dwell on
Romantic fantasies?
9. A spiritual deadness~Are you complacent about the lost? Is your
Relationship with God characterized by indifference? Does your life
Lack spiritual power? Do you regularly meet with God?
10. A love of self~Do you cater to your fleshly appetites & desires? Does
Your joy in life fluctuate around your personal interests & contentment?
Do you yearn for money and earthly possessions?
We all struggle with the flesh. Galations 5:16 says, "But I say, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh." And Romans 8:4 tells us, "Walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." We have a choice. Walk by the Spirit and His Spirit will change and transform us from the inside out. Any of us can, for a little while, make some behavior changes. God is looking for heart change and when it is heart change, it is Christ doing it in me.
The re-programmed computer of the heart is one which is controlled by the SPIRIT (Spirit-Producing Inside~ Renewed Intentions & Thoughts). The more we surrender ourselves to Jesus, the more we are transformed into His likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18). And we know with confidence, "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6). As you look at the "Flesh test" questions, commit to live out the opposite. :)
Diet changes for a physical heart include: watching cholestrol, sodium levels, saying "no" to certain foods (not feeding the flesh)! Change is hard and a new habit takes awhile to develop. But the longer you remain faithful to the changes, the easier it is. Spiritually, "flesh woman" had gone unchallenged for MANY years, so it will take time to begin new routines and new patterns of thoughts and behaviors~ getting your flesh under the Spirit's control. We begin by STARVING THE FLESH! How do we feed the Spirit and starve the flesh?
1) Get in God's Word~ renew your soul with God's Word. Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart." In 2009, make a "diet change" to be in the Word daily.
- Ask God to increase your spiritual appetite. Ask the Lord to give you "hunger pains" for HIM! "Hunger is what causes us to empty ourselves of compromise and creates a holy dissatisfaction that drives us to our knees and makes us depend on God." Rhonda Hughey (Desperate For His Presence)
2) Memorize & Meditate & Chew on God's Word~ The challenge from Mike Bickle at the One Thing Conference this year is "EAT THE SCROLL". I love that! I have been "chewing" on the Word for many years now. So, it is time to eat the scroll. Dig deep, looking for the treasures in the Word.
3) Take every thought captive~ This takes practice. When you catch yourself thinking something that is not true about you or someone else:
- RECOGNIZE it as untruth
- REFUSE to accept the thought as your own
- REPLACE it with what is true
4) WRITE OUT A CONFESSIONS LIST~ Statements from God's Word that are true about who you are in Christ. Use a notebook and record the verses. Read them over and over as a way to transform your heart. Make the verses personal declarations of the reality of who you are as a daughter of the King! Example: "I have the mind of Christ." 2 Corinthians 2:16
5) CLOTHE YOURSELF~ with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, love, forgiveness (Colossians 3:10,12-14). Deny "flesh woman" of her rights! Respond in the opposite spirit as you naturally would. Keep doing it until the feelings follow!!!!!As you begin feeding on the Spirit, you will become transformed and conformed into the image of Christ~releasing the flow of His life through you.
Holy Spirit, have Your way in us; that we would die to ourselves and allow Your life-giving Spirit to reign in us. Change us, transform us, shape us and mold us to live a life that pleases our Father in heaven.
Next post: A Healthy Heart Part 3 (Exercise and stress reduction)! Who doesn't need that?
Friday, January 2, 2009
A Heart Healthy 2009
There is a spiritual principle here. Our heart, our inner man is renewed & made right with God the moment we trust Jesus to be our Savior & Lord. This is our spirit-man. However, the soul, the place of our mind, will, emotions needs to be renewed. Our spirit man can be affected by the soul, when their is a spiritual blockage. The streams of living water (like the blood) carry life to the rest of the body. When there is blockage spiritually, the life of Christ is stopped from flowing freely. Sometimes we have lived with the blockage for so long that we don't even recognize there is a problem. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Watch over your heart with all diligence; for from it flow the springs of life," (New American Standard version). To watch over means to "protect or stand guard". How well have you protected your heart? Do you stand guard to keep your mind, will and emotions protected from the signs of corruption? Leading up to verse 23 in Proverbs, we see the key to keeping our heart guarded. Verses 20-22 says, "My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your sight; keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their whole body." To keep the heart guarded, we need to keep God's Word within the heart. That is the gate keeper. If something enters the heart that doesn't line up with what God says, then it will produce corruption in my spiritual body. The Truth of God's Words bring life and health to the whole body!
So, how do you know if your heart is healthy or if it is sickly? Take a heart check from the characteristics I have listed of a healthy heart. A healthy heart is:
- Prepared to seek God (Exra 7:10)
- Fixed on God (Psalm 112:7)
- Joyful in God (I Samuel 2:1)
- Pure (Psalms 24:4)
- Tender (2 Kings 22:19)
- Single and sincere (Acts 2:46)
- Honest and good (Luke 8:15)
- Broken and contrite (Psalm 51:17)
- Obedient (Psalm 119:112)
- Filled with the law of God (Psalm 119:11)
- Awed by the Word of God (Psalm 119:161)
- Filled with the fear of God (Jeremiah 32:40)
- Meditative (Psalm 4:4)
- Prayerful (Psalm 27:8)
- Trusts in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5)
- Desires God (Psalm 84:2)
- Wise (Matthew 12:35)
- Steadfast (Psalm 108:1)
How did you do? Based on your responses, would you say you have a spiritually healthy heart? The desire of all who are committed to Jesus Christ is to have our hearts reflecting these qualities. With the beginning of the new year, take time to process any issues that are keeping your heart blocked. Invite Jesus, the great physician to do "heart surgery". He is trustworthy and faithful. He is the Divine Healer. Give Him access to your heart.
All heart patients need a new diet and exercise plan, along with some stress management techniques. A spiritual heart patient needs these as well. We will examine these changes in the coming posts.