Sunday, March 18, 2012
The Hunger Games
to read. What I read disturbed me so much…..the apocalypse has happened (many books & movies have played this theme) and a new type of nation has emerged, which has been broken up into 12 districts. Each year 2 names are drawn from each of the 12 districts~ teenagers, 1 boy and 1 girl. They are put into an arena with every moment televised. The goal: Kill or be killed. Only 1 child will remain alive out of the 24. The child that “wins” will secure plenty of food for their district for the next year. The sound of Gladiator runs through the storyline…except that children are used and exploited and defeated…
Here is the description from the Scholastic Books website: "Twenty-four are forced to enter. Only the winner survives. In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. Each year, the districts are forced by the Capitol to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to
participate in the Hunger Games, a brutal and terrifying fight to the death –televised for all of Panem to see. Survival is second nature for sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who struggles to feed her mother and younger sister by secretly hunting and gathering beyond the fences of District 12. When Katniss steps in to take the place of her sister in the Hunger Games, she knows
it may be her death sentence. If she is to survive, she must weigh survival against humanity and life against love."
The book/movie suggest themes for discussion centered around 1) global warming~ this is how
apocalypse happened and 2) lack of food around the world~ people starving to death in various places on the globe. But I want to address the issue that is NOT discussed by the media~ the
children who are chosen as “tribute” for the hunger games.
The first time I viewed the trailer for The Hunger Games, I was at the theater and was completely unprepared for what came on the screen. I couldn’t even make it through the 3 minute trailer without crying…the first words that popped into my head were: propagating a culture of death. So, I want to share my concerns about this pop-culture book and movie.
The culture in which we live is indifferent towards children. The enemy has a mark on the children. His objective is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). From the beginning of life, children are targets of the enemy. The womb is a dangerous place to be~ the women’s “rights” movement from the 1960s to today disregard the life of the child over the “rights” of the
mother/woman. If surviving the womb, children are vulnerable. Child molestation/child pornography/child trafficking is rampant. The enemy hates our children.
I Peter 5:8 says, “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Lions prey on the weak~ devouring them. Children are weak…they are defenseless…they are vulnerable to the attack of the enemy. We (the adults/mature ones) need to be self-controlled and alert (vs 8 tells us). We need to look at the media’s propaganda and agenda. We need to look behind the curtain to see the enemy’s traps and snares for our children. This movie is propagating a culture of death.
Our children will view this movie and watch life being taken from the “least of these”. The enemy will use this as a desensitizing mechanism…more and more of this type of genre will come forth and it will be adopted as okay among this next generation. It is no longer possible to have one foot in the culture of the world and not get swept away with the current. Darkness is
getting darker and evil is being called good and good evil. With an onslaught of demonic activity in movies becoming acceptable to this culture, this is the next layer of that~ a culture of death.
Who will stand up for the children? Who will defend them? Parents, it is time to stand up; to be awakened to the reality of the culture of the movie industry. Be alert and self-controlled.
*A great website to check out before going to any movie is: They review movies from a Biblical worldview; examining the areas of violence, language, sexual content, spiritual content, positives and negatives. It will help parents discern what movies are appropriate for their families.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Simplicity is a grace given to us by God. There is no way we can build up our will power to put ourselves in the “discipline” of simplicity. It is the power of the Holy Spirit who leads us into a life of simplicity; however, we must position ourselves to receive this life of peace & contentment. Simplicity can usher us into the center of unhurried peace and power from the Spirit of God.
I’m going to use simplicity in the area of money & possessions because this seems to have such a hold on our American Christianity. We get tripped up in this area. Our culture teaches us to NOT be content, so here we are placed in the center of discontent. In fact, capitalism is successful to the degree that consumers purchase bigger, better, newer, fresher, different
products. Consumerism drives capitalism. So, how can we live free of discontentedness; simple lives full of life and peace?
Jesus speaks much about this throughout His earthly ministry. He is the example of simplicity. The more clearly we understand the nature of God, the more clearly we understand how we are to live. Models of simplicity are desperately needed today in this culture. Matthew 6 is the beautiful description of simplicity in all of Scripture. Jesus knows that we have a nature that desires to secure ourselves to earthly things (the natural mind holds onto that which is natural). In Matthew 6, Jesus is calling us to a higher way of living~ supernatural simplicity, not holding onto the treasures of this world, but clinging to the treasure of the next. I want to highlight several reasons why we should not go after earthly treasure:
- This world is a very uncertain place. Security in this world is a false security. Things can change in an instant. This world is temporary, so nothing in this world will have permanence. In verses 19-20 Jesus gives a negative command and a positive command. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth…” (19) “Do store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…” (20). A treasure is anything we trust in and cling to. No matter what our earthly treasures may be (money, occupation, children, gift/talent we have, etc) we must be careful that we don’t hold them too tightly. They will keep us from living in the Kingdom of God in freedom and power we desire. David Livingstone said, “I place no value on anything I possess, except in relation to the Kingdom of God.”
- Whatever we fix as our treasure will consume our whole life. There is a connection between our treasure and our heart. The statement Jesus makes in verse 21 isn’t an idea, opinion or suggestion, but a reality. “Where your treasure is, that’s where your heart is”.
No option. Our whole heart (mind, will & emotions) will be fixed around our treasure. Jesus said in verse 24 that it’s impossible to serve two masters. One will rival the
other. If our “treasure” is our bank account, house, retirement fund, children, sports, education, or any other earthly thing, our heart will be focused on that. Verse 22 speaks of the eye as the lamp of the whole body. If our eyes are good ~ meaning single focused; void of duplicity~ then your whole body will be flooded with light (Spirit of Truth). I want my treasure to be Jesus~ consumed with Him and His Kingdom and His purpose and His plan. That’s where I want my heart to be! - Provision has already been made. God provides for us according to our needs, just as He does for the lilies (plant life) and birds (animal kingdom).Verses 26 & 28 tell us to notice the birds of the air and the lilies of the field ~ they don’t sow or store food or spin the beauty of the blossom ~ and yet they are clothed and fed by God Himself. How much more will He take care of His Beloved ones! We are not to have fear or anxiety over tomorrow. We also see in Matthew 6 the pattern of prayer Jesus teaches His disciples. The opening of the prayer is calling on the Heavenly Father….a loving Father who knows all that we
need. He is involved in every detail of our lives. We say “Give us today our daily bread.”
This speaks to material and spiritual needs. We are dependent upon God for our provision, but the good news is that He is a loving heavenly Father who lavishes His
children with good gifts. God is our provider. He is our Father. He sees us and knows us. God knows when and how much.
As we begin to ask the Holy Spirit to manifest simplicity in our lives, we position ourselves for an abundant life of contentment; focused on the Kingdom of God; inviting the miraculous workings of God’s power in our lives and the lives of others. Let’s not waste our precious time & energy worrying about our life or chasing after the “stuff” of this earthly kingdom. “But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well,” Matthew 6:33.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Seasons of Marriage

Well, our marriages go through seasons in cycles, just like nature. And wouldn’t we all say, “I hate winter”. Who wants the winter season to come in a marriage? I really LOVE the summer season in marriage and I could live there all the time, but that’s not realistic.
Every marriage goes through seasons~ summer, fall, winter, and spring and just like nature, we go through each season more than once in our married lives. We want to learn how to celebrate and embrace each season~ to find the beauty in all the seasons.
Let’s start with winter. What are some characteristics of this season in nature? It is the coldest season; the days are the shortest & nights are the longest; birds migrate south; some animals hibernate; some animals store food to prepare for winter; snow insulates perennial plants where its roots are protected from the harsh elements; new growths are being prepared underground even though the plant looks dead on the outside. In winter there is a process by which plants become acclimated to cold weather and thus become “hardened”.
Has your marriage experienced a winter season? Don’t you wish that you could migrate south during that season, just to escape it all! Greg & I went to Cancun last January to escape the natural season of winter and the “winter” season we were in. We needed a new perspective~ “to store up some food to come back to the winter season”. It is important in the winter season to not “acclimate to the cold weather and thus become hardened”. How would you describe the winter season? In your experience what has that looked like?
Thankfully, spring comes. Spring is a season of new growth; rebirth, renewal, regrowth. New plants spring forth with new blossoms. Each day length increases. However, there is unstable weather during the springtime; warm air invades while the cold air is still pushing through. Flooding is most common during this time of the year because of snowmelt and rains.
When did your marriage last experience a spring season? What did that look like for your marriage? Spring, in the marriage relationship is beautiful because there is a freshness. Spring is most typical in the beginning of the marriage union~ new life; new growth; new blossoms are brought forth. Even in this season, there is a chance of “unstable” weather. As the warm air increases, the cold air (left over from the winter season) collides with it and issues can arise. But take heart, summer is coming!!!
Summer, the BEST season of all, according to Kristen! In nature, you know that it is the warmest season; the days are the longest & nights are the shortest; vacations are typical in this season; the ‘lazy days of summer’~ a relaxing nature; everything is in full bloom represented by green life; rain, thunderstorms bring water & life to plants.
What does summer look like in your marriage? We love the summer season~ we enjoy one another. It seems that nothing can touch us! We are well-watered and the blooms are full. But, because it is a relaxing season and the ‘lazy days of summer’ are upon us, we can lose our focus and not be on guard and alert to the enemy’s attacks. Even in the summer, we need to be soaked in the Son, interceding for one another; enjoying the time, but being alert so the next season doesn’t take you off guard.
The lazy days of summer move into the busyness of the Fall season. Fall is described as “harvest”; leaves change color and fall from the trees; football season; school starts; harvest time for the farmers; temps are warm, then cooling.
Greg & I experienced the harvest season last fall when our oldest daughter, Lindsay, got married. As a married couple, that was probably the highlight of our lives together so far! The training, discipling, loving, investing (time & money), teaching, disciplining, etc. that parents do with their children culminates at the altar. And to be part of that amazing transfer from infant to child to teen to adult to wife~ unbelievable. There are not words to describe the joy of the harvest season.
At what time in your marriage have you experienced the harvest? What have you sown that you have reaped? Or will reap? There are many examples of the harvest.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Mud Cakes

Saturday, December 17, 2011
Mary Says "YES"
Yes, I am willing to carry the Son of the Most High God. Why choose me for such a privilege?
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace," Is 9:6
Yes, I will travel to Bethlehem. Will my son be born there?
"When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, 'Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about'," Luke 2:15
Yes, I will havemy baby in a cave. God are You sure? Is this the place for a King to be born?
"And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn," Luke 2:7
Yes, I will escape to Egypt with my husband Joseph and our son Jesus. Will we be safe?
"An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. 'Get up', he said, 'take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him," Matthew 2:13
Yes, I will go back to the land of Israel to protect my young child. Will we always wander Lord?
"After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, 'Get up, take the child and the mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who are trying to take her child's life are dead," Matthew 2:19
Yes, I will go to Nazareth. Is a King to be raised in an ordinary town?
"Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: 'He will be called a Nazarene'," Matthew 2:22b-23
Yes, I will consecrate my firstborn son to You God, for He is Yours and is the fulfillment of all the prophecies of the Messiah.
"Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying, 'Sovereign Lord, as You have promised, you now dismiss Your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to Your people Israel," Luke 2:28-32
Yes, I will trust You God as I parent Your son. Can I do it God?
"And Jesus grew in wisdom & stature, and in favor with God and men," Luke 2:52
Yes, I will believe what You have promised God, even when I don't understand. How can I understand?
"'Why were you searching for me? He asked. Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?' But they did not understand what he was saying to them," Luke 2:49-50
Yes, I surrender my heart to You, even though my mother's heart is hurt and not understanding what accusations are being spoken about my son. Why can't I rescue Jesus and bring him home?
"Someone told Jesus,'Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.' He replied, 'Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?'...For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother," Matthew 12:47-49
Yes, I will trust You as my son is heading toward the cross rather than a crown. Did I mess this up? Could this be Your plan?
"Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, 'This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul, too'," Luke 2:34-35
"And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death--even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God!" Philippians 2:8-11
Yes, I will wait for the promises to be fulfilled. How long Lord?
"He gave them this command: 'Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father has promised, which you heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit...they all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with all his brothers," Acts 1:4,5,14
Thursday, December 8, 2011
May it be to me as You have said
The angel unfolds the plan of eternity to this young woman, Mary and her response is: "I am the Lord's servant, may it be to me as you have said". Mary responds in belief to all that is spoken to her. She had settled all heart issues with God~ she believed Him and trusted God completely.
As a faithful servant, her life would never be the same. The word "servant" is the Greek word for "bondservant" which is one who served because of the love the Master showed and because of the love that he/she had for his/her Master. The bondservant gladly lived in the resources, schedule and property of the Master, since he/she had none of his/her own.
How did Mary get to this place in her heart with the Lord at such a tender age? There must've been an environment in the home that showed her how to love God. She was living a life a communion with God. Oh, that I would be one who is called a bondservant of the Lord~ one who gladly lives in the resources, schedule and property of my Master Jesus!
There are several characteristics we see of Mary in this passage of Luke 1:
- Faith~ Mary had simple faith to believe that anything is possible with the Lord. Her love for God was bigger than her fears or her questions. Mary counted the cost & willingly gave herself to God. Her response to the angel Gabriel is one of total faith, "May it be to me as you have said" (Luke 1:38). Mary was given the blessing of carrrying the Savior of the world in her womb. What is it that the Lord is asking me to carry? What is HE desiring to conceive in my by His Holy Spirit? Is my love for God bigger than all my fears and questions?
- Believe God~ Mary believed what God said. In verse 45 Elizabeth confirms Mary's belief, "Blessed is she who has believed what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished". Elizabeth has been living with her husband's silence for 6 months because he didn't believe. (Zechariah, whom the angel Gabriel had visited to tell him that Elizabeth would conceive and bear a son, named John the Baptist~ see Luke 1:18-20). Zechariah is living with the consequence of an unbelieving heart. He needed more information~ he wanted details & "proof" from God. Mary had 1 question, "how", since she had never been with a man. To "believe" is the Greek word, "pisteuo" meaning to believe; put one's faith in; trust; with an implication that actions based on this trust will follow. This kind of belief gives God permission to work unhindered in our lives. What kind of faith is working in my heart? When I really believe God, it will be evidenced by the "acts" I do.
- Responds in Praise~ "My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior," Luke 1:46-47. Mary doesn't understand why God has chosen her, a humble young woman, but her heart sings praise to Him. He is her focus. How do I respond when the Lord asks me to do something for His kingdom? Do I boast? Do I focus on me and try to figure out how I will possibly do it? OR, do I surrender in praise to God~ lifting His Name and praising Him? Oh that the Lord would be my focus!
- Treasured & Pondered~ With all the Glory surrounding the birth of the CHRIST, all the activity and excitement, Mary took it all in. Mary was amazed at the miraculous things that God had done~ they were treasures to her. She didn't talk about what was happening or how God used "her" to bring the Savior upon the earth. She didn't brag about being "chosen" or the "highly favored one". She held this between her and her God. Treasured means to keep or preserve. Mary didn't want to miss anything, paying great attention to every detail of this miracle. "But his mother treasured all these things in her heart," Luke 2:51. Do I ponder and treasure things of the Lord? Are His miracles treasures in my heart? Are there moments & miraculous events in my life that are just between me and Jesus?
- Trusts God with her whole heart, even when she doesn't understand~ Mary says "yes" to God over and over in her life on earth, concerning her son. She doesn't always understand what is happening, but she believes God is working. Do I trust God even when I don't understand what He is doing? When it looks like He is absent? When my expectations don't line up with my experience?
Mary's response to the Gabriel, at that first encounter was a YES to all that God had for her to accomplish. She didn't know the whole of what that would look like while she walked the earth. She wasn't perfect in fulfilling her plan in the purposes of God, but she said YES. Mary was one who said, "All of me for all of Him"!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Walking by Faith or Walking by Sight?
Moses didn't want a report that would discourage the taking of the land, he was just looking for the facts~ a report.
Off the men went...for forty days they scouted out the land. They even brought home some of the fruit. "They cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them, along with some pomegranates and figs" (Num 12:23). The fruit was ripe and it was massive! The land was good, just as the Lord had said. He had promised the nation of Israel that this would be their land.
Upon their return, the report of 10 men went something like this: "The land does flow with milk & honey", BUT...the people are powerful; the cities are fortified; the land devours those who live in it; descendents of Anak live there (huge size, tall, strong); we are like grasshoppers in their eyes~ no way can we attack these people and take the land.
2 men, Joshua & Caleb had a different report. They didn't argue that some of the 'facts' weren't true, but they believed what the Lord had told them~ that this land of Canaan was promised by the Lord to them. The report of Joshua & Caleb went like this: "The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us He will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk & honey and will give it to us. Don't be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them up. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them."
Caleb & Joshua knew that the Lord was bigger, stronger, more powerful than any man....and God was on their side. It didn't matter what it looked like in the natural, they walked by faith to believe that God would do what He said He would do.
Unfortunately, the WHOLE assembly talked about stoning them (Joshua & Caleb). The "herd" mentality won out and stood against the faith walkers. The Lord met Moses at the tent of meeting and He spoke saying, "How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the miraculous signs I have performed among them?" (Num 12:11).
A couple of points to ponder:
- Which "camp" are you in? In the midst of difficult circumstances or uncertainty, do you side with the 10 sight-walkers (noticing in the natural all the obstacles before you) or do you side with the 2 faith-walkers (taking note of the obstacles, but knowing God is bigger than any obstacle)?
- When people are around you, is the atmosphere filled with faith? Joshua & Caleb spoke boldly about God's certainty and power to defeat any enemy. They were filled with faith. However, the majority of the explorers were defeated, filled with fear and confusion and with a bad report stirred up the whole assembly against faith.
The Lord punished the generation for their lack of faith (except for Joshua & Caleb). "Not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their forefathers" (Num 12:23). And because of their disobedience, the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years~ one year for every day the explorers were scouting out the land. "These men responsible for spreading the bad report about the land were struck down and died of a plague before the Lord," (Num 12:37).
The question the Lord keeps bringing to my mind & spirit is this: Which well are you drinking from? The natural well (which isn't very deep) looks at the circumstances; the natural; facts; 1 + 1 =2 kind of stuff. This is living in the way of the natural senses and natural consequences. This is walking by sight. The well of the Supernatural is a deep well. No matter what the natural circumstances are, their is ONE who is BIGGER and STRONGER and more POWERFUL than the circumstances. This is faith-walking. Faith is not being moved by what I see, but is moved by what I believe (when that faith is put into the Creator-God).
Lord, raise up Joshua's & Caleb's in this generation....who stir up faith in the Beloved of God.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Love God, Love Others
What does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength? I am going to take some time to explain each of these four areas, so we have more understanding to their significance in our lives.
Our heart speaks to our emotions and feelings. Some examples of our emotions or feelings are: love, joy, peace, fear, worry, anxiety, bitterness, anger, selfishness, happiness, sadness, depression, unforgiveness, rage, pride, greed, revenge, patience, etc. How do you express love to God? How do you respond to circumstances, interruptions, or people? We need to purposely set our hearts to be filled with love for God. It doesn’t just happen. Cry out, like Moses, in Exodus 33:13, “If you are pleased with me, teach me Your ways, so I may know (love) You and continue to find favor with You.”
Q: Ask God to reveal any areas of your heart that are hurting or wounded. Give those areas to God to heal. Are your heart affections set on Jesus? How do you seek to love God with all your heart? Ask God to show you the ways you are setting your gaze upon Him.
Q: How do people describe your personality? Do those descriptions line up with one who loves God with all your soul? How can you purposefully set your soul to grow in love with God?
The mind speaks to our thought-life and what we allow our mind to dwell on. To love God with all our mind means to resist putting anything in our minds that diminishes our love for Jesus. We want to fill our minds with things that are “true, noble, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy”, Philippians 4:8. We need to spend time in God’s presence to maintain victory over our mind. What is it that you allow your mind to dwell on? We have many obstacles that keep us from meditating on those things that are true, pure, noble, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. The battleground is in our minds. Build a fortified wall around your mind to keep the enemy from taking any foothold. It is time we start thinking about what we are thinking about!
Q: What are some obstacles that keep you from meditating on the beauty of Jesus? What is it that your mind dwells on? Worry, selfish ambition, greed, friends, internet games, social media, pornography, television or movies.
Use the 4:8 test with your mind meditations: Is what I am thinking about:
· True~ God’s Word
· Pure~ Innocent
· Noble~ Worthy of respect
· Lovely~ Anything that calls forth love
· Admirable~ Of good reputation
· Excellent or praiseworthy~ Commendable
Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks, so he is.” Every thought has an emotion connected to it. So the heart and mind are linked together, and then the expression of that comes through our personality (soul).
Loving God with our strength means that I use my resources for God’s Glory and His purpose. Our resources (strength) are: time, money, talents, influence, and reputation. The culture and our flesh want to use our strength for its own purpose. We show love to God when we use our strengths for His Kingdom. Each one of us has these strengths in differing measures. For whose kingdom am I using my resources?
Q: Honestly look at each of the following resources. Ask God how you can love Him with your strength.
· Time: What is my schedule centered around?
· Money: Who determines how I spend my money? Do I see each financial decision as a spiritual one?
· Talents: What talents has God given me? Do I recognize that He is the one who gave these to me? How am I using these talents?
· Influence: How am I influencing those in my “circle”? Am I leading these people in my influence closer to Jesus or away from Him?
· Reputation: Am I pursing popularity, prestige, position, or power? How does God view my reputation?
If we love God in these four areas, we will more easily love others. When our vertical connection with God is in order, the horizontal connections with people will be in order. Each one of us has influences in our neighborhoods, work, community, family. People are watching. When I say I am a believer or follower of Jesus or Christian, I want my life (actions) to line up with my words. Jesus is the only hope to the world and we are His expression on planet earth.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
In the Garden~ a Life of Prayer
She speaks about her life of God in an analolgy of a garden already planted, but one in which the plants will die unless they are tended and watered carefully. Nurturing can be done in 4 ways:
1) there is the laborious work of carefully drawing water from the well, 2) slightly easier method of using a waterwheel and buckets, 3) a stream runs through the garden, saturating the ground from beneath, & 4) rain~ the natural source of water; it comes from heaven above.
The beginner in prayer toils, fetching water from the well. The effort is entirely his, as he attempts to fill the bucket with water and replenish the flowers of the garden. The privelege of seeing the arid land blossom will produce humility and endurance that will cause his soul to richly prosper.
In the second stage, the gardener uses a waterwheel & buckets. He can draw more water for the garden than before with much less effort if the long hours required do not become wearisome. This second stage can be a time of trial, when weeding & pruning is being done to the soul. Effort is still necessary, but the place of striving eases and receptivity is better understood.
The third stage of prayer is when the Lord is more active, providing water by a spring or stream running through the garden. There is now no question of turning back, the delight is too sweet; it is a glorious folly, a heavenly madness in which true wisdom is acquired. This is when "mary & martha" are in perfect harmony, though not yet entirely absorbed into God. The soul is free from worries and becomes content. God is now the gardener and the supply of water is abundant.
The last stage of the call to prayer is where the garden is watered by rain and the gardener has nothing to do but to watch the flowers grow. The rain brings a union about from Heaven itself. Here you know God. The sensation is of an exceeding great and sweet delight. The story of an intimate friendship with God; this is the inner courts of the Lord. This authentic inward journey should lead to empowered outward works (where "mary & martha" are wedded together).
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Currents are Rising and Going Faster

There are 2 rivers moving in opposite directions; 1 is the river of the culture (world) and the other river is the River of the Kingdom of God. It used to be that you could have 1 foot in 1 river and 1 foot in the other.....however that is not true any longer. Both rivers are running high and fast. As the waters rise, you will be swept away.
In these days in which we are living, the question we need to seriously consider is this:
- Which river am I in? Which river has most of me?
- And if we are parents, we need to consider this question: Which river am I immersing my children into? Where will you lead your family? Who's going to raise your kids?
We must decide which river/stream we will live in. The river of the culture (world) is sin and destruction. What may seem innocent to you now, will soon own you. As the darkness gets darker and as evil is called good and good evil, God has called us to stand as signposts to the world. We cannot be a signpost if we are flowing along with the river of the culture. Be alert. Awaken your spiritual eyes and ears. We are called to discern the times in which we are is a time to give up the lesser pleasures this world has to offer and go after the deep pleasures of the River of God.
The River of the Kingdom of God is running fast and strong. As we immerse ourselves (and our children) in this river, we will have hearts and minds set on the Kingdom of heaven. Strength, power and authority are released in this river. Courage to stand. Boldness to speak. Jump into this river....get out of the river of this culture. The world promises what it can't deliver. But God delivers on ALL His promises. He is the Faithful One. He is calling us to swim with the current of the God of heaven.