The Hunger Games movie opens in theaters this Friday, March 23rd. A couple years ago, I heard that the book was a best-seller among the teenage population, so I looked into the description of the book to see if it would be a novel I would like to read or encourage my son
to read. What I read disturbed me so much…..the apocalypse has happened (many books & movies have played this theme) and a new type of nation has emerged, which has been broken up into 12 districts. Each year 2 names are drawn from each of the 12 districts~ teenagers, 1 boy and 1 girl. They are put into an arena with every moment televised. The goal: Kill or be killed. Only 1 child will remain alive out of the 24. The child that “wins” will secure plenty of food for their district for the next year. The sound of Gladiator runs through the storyline…except that children are used and exploited and defeated…
Here is the description from the Scholastic Books website: "Twenty-four are forced to enter. Only the winner survives. In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. Each year, the districts are forced by the Capitol to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to
participate in the Hunger Games, a brutal and terrifying fight to the death –televised for all of Panem to see. Survival is second nature for sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who struggles to feed her mother and younger sister by secretly hunting and gathering beyond the fences of District 12. When Katniss steps in to take the place of her sister in the Hunger Games, she knows
it may be her death sentence. If she is to survive, she must weigh survival against humanity and life against love."
The book/movie suggest themes for discussion centered around 1) global warming~ this is how
apocalypse happened and 2) lack of food around the world~ people starving to death in various places on the globe. But I want to address the issue that is NOT discussed by the media~ the
children who are chosen as “tribute” for the hunger games.
The first time I viewed the trailer for The Hunger Games, I was at the theater and was completely unprepared for what came on the screen. I couldn’t even make it through the 3 minute trailer without crying…the first words that popped into my head were: propagating a culture of death. So, I want to share my concerns about this pop-culture book and movie.
The culture in which we live is indifferent towards children. The enemy has a mark on the children. His objective is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). From the beginning of life, children are targets of the enemy. The womb is a dangerous place to be~ the women’s “rights” movement from the 1960s to today disregard the life of the child over the “rights” of the
mother/woman. If surviving the womb, children are vulnerable. Child molestation/child pornography/child trafficking is rampant. The enemy hates our children.
I Peter 5:8 says, “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Lions prey on the weak~ devouring them. Children are weak…they are defenseless…they are vulnerable to the attack of the enemy. We (the adults/mature ones) need to be self-controlled and alert (vs 8 tells us). We need to look at the media’s propaganda and agenda. We need to look behind the curtain to see the enemy’s traps and snares for our children. This movie is propagating a culture of death.
Our children will view this movie and watch life being taken from the “least of these”. The enemy will use this as a desensitizing mechanism…more and more of this type of genre will come forth and it will be adopted as okay among this next generation. It is no longer possible to have one foot in the culture of the world and not get swept away with the current. Darkness is
getting darker and evil is being called good and good evil. With an onslaught of demonic activity in movies becoming acceptable to this culture, this is the next layer of that~ a culture of death.
Who will stand up for the children? Who will defend them? Parents, it is time to stand up; to be awakened to the reality of the culture of the movie industry. Be alert and self-controlled.
*A great website to check out before going to any movie is: They review movies from a Biblical worldview; examining the areas of violence, language, sexual content, spiritual content, positives and negatives. It will help parents discern what movies are appropriate for their families.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Simplicity is a grace given to us by God. There is no way we can build up our will power to put ourselves in the “discipline” of simplicity. It is the power of the Holy Spirit who leads us into a life of simplicity; however, we must position ourselves to receive this life of peace & contentment. Simplicity can usher us into the center of unhurried peace and power from the Spirit of God.
I’m going to use simplicity in the area of money & possessions because this seems to have such a hold on our American Christianity. We get tripped up in this area. Our culture teaches us to NOT be content, so here we are placed in the center of discontent. In fact, capitalism is successful to the degree that consumers purchase bigger, better, newer, fresher, different
products. Consumerism drives capitalism. So, how can we live free of discontentedness; simple lives full of life and peace?
Jesus speaks much about this throughout His earthly ministry. He is the example of simplicity. The more clearly we understand the nature of God, the more clearly we understand how we are to live. Models of simplicity are desperately needed today in this culture. Matthew 6 is the beautiful description of simplicity in all of Scripture. Jesus knows that we have a nature that desires to secure ourselves to earthly things (the natural mind holds onto that which is natural). In Matthew 6, Jesus is calling us to a higher way of living~ supernatural simplicity, not holding onto the treasures of this world, but clinging to the treasure of the next. I want to highlight several reasons why we should not go after earthly treasure:
- This world is a very uncertain place. Security in this world is a false security. Things can change in an instant. This world is temporary, so nothing in this world will have permanence. In verses 19-20 Jesus gives a negative command and a positive command. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth…” (19) “Do store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…” (20). A treasure is anything we trust in and cling to. No matter what our earthly treasures may be (money, occupation, children, gift/talent we have, etc) we must be careful that we don’t hold them too tightly. They will keep us from living in the Kingdom of God in freedom and power we desire. David Livingstone said, “I place no value on anything I possess, except in relation to the Kingdom of God.”
- Whatever we fix as our treasure will consume our whole life. There is a connection between our treasure and our heart. The statement Jesus makes in verse 21 isn’t an idea, opinion or suggestion, but a reality. “Where your treasure is, that’s where your heart is”.
No option. Our whole heart (mind, will & emotions) will be fixed around our treasure. Jesus said in verse 24 that it’s impossible to serve two masters. One will rival the
other. If our “treasure” is our bank account, house, retirement fund, children, sports, education, or any other earthly thing, our heart will be focused on that. Verse 22 speaks of the eye as the lamp of the whole body. If our eyes are good ~ meaning single focused; void of duplicity~ then your whole body will be flooded with light (Spirit of Truth). I want my treasure to be Jesus~ consumed with Him and His Kingdom and His purpose and His plan. That’s where I want my heart to be! - Provision has already been made. God provides for us according to our needs, just as He does for the lilies (plant life) and birds (animal kingdom).Verses 26 & 28 tell us to notice the birds of the air and the lilies of the field ~ they don’t sow or store food or spin the beauty of the blossom ~ and yet they are clothed and fed by God Himself. How much more will He take care of His Beloved ones! We are not to have fear or anxiety over tomorrow. We also see in Matthew 6 the pattern of prayer Jesus teaches His disciples. The opening of the prayer is calling on the Heavenly Father….a loving Father who knows all that we
need. He is involved in every detail of our lives. We say “Give us today our daily bread.”
This speaks to material and spiritual needs. We are dependent upon God for our provision, but the good news is that He is a loving heavenly Father who lavishes His
children with good gifts. God is our provider. He is our Father. He sees us and knows us. God knows when and how much.
As we begin to ask the Holy Spirit to manifest simplicity in our lives, we position ourselves for an abundant life of contentment; focused on the Kingdom of God; inviting the miraculous workings of God’s power in our lives and the lives of others. Let’s not waste our precious time & energy worrying about our life or chasing after the “stuff” of this earthly kingdom. “But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well,” Matthew 6:33.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Seasons of Marriage

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I hate winter…yes, it is a very strong word, but it is true. There is nothing about winter that I like~ not the snow, cold, ice, freezing rain, not the way the trees look after a fallen snow; not a fire in the fireplace; nothing. I hate winter! My favorite season is summer. I would live in summer all year long~ hot, sunny days; sweat; pools; l-o-n-g days~ all of it! I love it! I tend to remember all the wonderful things about the summer and all the yucky things about the winter!
Well, our marriages go through seasons in cycles, just like nature. And wouldn’t we all say, “I hate winter”. Who wants the winter season to come in a marriage? I really LOVE the summer season in marriage and I could live there all the time, but that’s not realistic.
Every marriage goes through seasons~ summer, fall, winter, and spring and just like nature, we go through each season more than once in our married lives. We want to learn how to celebrate and embrace each season~ to find the beauty in all the seasons.
Let’s start with winter. What are some characteristics of this season in nature? It is the coldest season; the days are the shortest & nights are the longest; birds migrate south; some animals hibernate; some animals store food to prepare for winter; snow insulates perennial plants where its roots are protected from the harsh elements; new growths are being prepared underground even though the plant looks dead on the outside. In winter there is a process by which plants become acclimated to cold weather and thus become “hardened”.
Has your marriage experienced a winter season? Don’t you wish that you could migrate south during that season, just to escape it all! Greg & I went to Cancun last January to escape the natural season of winter and the “winter” season we were in. We needed a new perspective~ “to store up some food to come back to the winter season”. It is important in the winter season to not “acclimate to the cold weather and thus become hardened”. How would you describe the winter season? In your experience what has that looked like?
Well, our marriages go through seasons in cycles, just like nature. And wouldn’t we all say, “I hate winter”. Who wants the winter season to come in a marriage? I really LOVE the summer season in marriage and I could live there all the time, but that’s not realistic.
Every marriage goes through seasons~ summer, fall, winter, and spring and just like nature, we go through each season more than once in our married lives. We want to learn how to celebrate and embrace each season~ to find the beauty in all the seasons.
Let’s start with winter. What are some characteristics of this season in nature? It is the coldest season; the days are the shortest & nights are the longest; birds migrate south; some animals hibernate; some animals store food to prepare for winter; snow insulates perennial plants where its roots are protected from the harsh elements; new growths are being prepared underground even though the plant looks dead on the outside. In winter there is a process by which plants become acclimated to cold weather and thus become “hardened”.
Has your marriage experienced a winter season? Don’t you wish that you could migrate south during that season, just to escape it all! Greg & I went to Cancun last January to escape the natural season of winter and the “winter” season we were in. We needed a new perspective~ “to store up some food to come back to the winter season”. It is important in the winter season to not “acclimate to the cold weather and thus become hardened”. How would you describe the winter season? In your experience what has that looked like?
Thankfully, spring comes. Spring is a season of new growth; rebirth, renewal, regrowth. New plants spring forth with new blossoms. Each day length increases. However, there is unstable weather during the springtime; warm air invades while the cold air is still pushing through. Flooding is most common during this time of the year because of snowmelt and rains.
When did your marriage last experience a spring season? What did that look like for your marriage? Spring, in the marriage relationship is beautiful because there is a freshness. Spring is most typical in the beginning of the marriage union~ new life; new growth; new blossoms are brought forth. Even in this season, there is a chance of “unstable” weather. As the warm air increases, the cold air (left over from the winter season) collides with it and issues can arise. But take heart, summer is coming!!!
Summer, the BEST season of all, according to Kristen! In nature, you know that it is the warmest season; the days are the longest & nights are the shortest; vacations are typical in this season; the ‘lazy days of summer’~ a relaxing nature; everything is in full bloom represented by green life; rain, thunderstorms bring water & life to plants.
What does summer look like in your marriage? We love the summer season~ we enjoy one another. It seems that nothing can touch us! We are well-watered and the blooms are full. But, because it is a relaxing season and the ‘lazy days of summer’ are upon us, we can lose our focus and not be on guard and alert to the enemy’s attacks. Even in the summer, we need to be soaked in the Son, interceding for one another; enjoying the time, but being alert so the next season doesn’t take you off guard.
The lazy days of summer move into the busyness of the Fall season. Fall is described as “harvest”; leaves change color and fall from the trees; football season; school starts; harvest time for the farmers; temps are warm, then cooling.
Greg & I experienced the harvest season last fall when our oldest daughter, Lindsay, got married. As a married couple, that was probably the highlight of our lives together so far! The training, discipling, loving, investing (time & money), teaching, disciplining, etc. that parents do with their children culminates at the altar. And to be part of that amazing transfer from infant to child to teen to adult to wife~ unbelievable. There are not words to describe the joy of the harvest season.
At what time in your marriage have you experienced the harvest? What have you sown that you have reaped? Or will reap? There are many examples of the harvest.
Every season will come & go throughout the marriage relationship....we will ebb & flow and not necessarily will the seasons come in consecutive order like they do in nature. We want to trust God & His promises in each season~ knowing that He is in the season with us. The goal is to thrive in every season of marriage!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Mud Cakes

A couple weeks ago, four women (including me) had the most wonderful opportunity to go to Haiti to put on a women's conference in Cite Soleil (the poorest area in Haiti and I have heard that it is the poorest area in the northern hemisphere). It was a privelege to bring God's Word and His life and Truth to women in the most desperate circumstances. As an American, it is hard to witness the living conditions of these women, children and families.
The unemployment rate is 80%. Those who work get an average pay of $2/day (I spend more than that on my diet coke & water). The land has been devasted by natural disasters and the government's corruption keeps their people oppressed....very much it reminded me of the Israelites under Egypt's oppression. Jesus is the only hope to this nation! Lord, send a deliverer....hear the cries of Your people!
As we worshipped with the 600 women daily, we were all transformed into a sisterhood of the Beloved daughters of the King. Each one of us, God's favorite! Each one of us, praising the name of our Saviour in the midst of our circumstances! Each one of us, seeking the face of God! Each one of us, inviting His Spirit to dwell in our midst! After the 2nd day of the conference, Pastor Vincent (the pastor who invited us to come lead a women's conference) took us on a "tour" of Cite show us the condition of his city.
We drove for several hours and there was never any, more like boxes, some tents, some a little more of a structure...but no running water; no electricity; no trash pick up...the images were so hard to absorb. In America, we cannot imagine such poverty. And up one of the streets, winding through a very small village area, we saw several women walking with their conference folders...they smiled at us and waved~ so excited that we were seeing their "neighborhood". And then Pastor Vincent stopped...and explained what was happening...As we looked on 2 women were stirring something, up to their elbows in a pot-like structure...mudcakes...they were making mudcakes...mud, salt & vegetable oil, all mixed together...then laid out to dry in the hot Haitian sun. Sold for a few cents/piece, but to the Americans, we paid $.25 each (4 for $1). These will be given to their children to eat, because there is no food~ no other option. Mudcakes...the practice has been deemed illegal by the gov't, but they offer no relief; no help to their citizens, so up in the villages, women work to make mudcakes so children can fill their tummies with something.....
Dreadful. Can you imagine? A food source made of mud~ parasites live in it...many get sick and even die from this as their only sustanance.
BUT, as I think about us in America, we too live on spiritual mudcakes. We do not fill ourselves with the Word of God, chewing on His Words of life; spending time in God's presence to be filled to overflowing; giving Him first place in all things in our lives; desiring to know Him & abide in Him; listening for His voice. Instead, we live on mudcakes~ filling our lives with things that don't matter; will not satisty; that even contain parasites that can cause us to be sick and possibly die. And what am I feeding my children, spiritually? Do I feed them mudcakes? Or am I cultivating their hearts to know God and feed upon His Word and His presence~ teaching them to hear God's voice and be still/quiet? Beloved of God~ say no to mudcakes. God calls to us; pursues us; loves us; desires us~ Do not fill your spirit on things that will not satisfy and don't fill your childrens' spirits with the mudcakes of this world... we have a choice, spiritually what to feed on. We are in a priveleged country in many, many ways. And yet, in some ways we are more impoverished than the poorest countries in the world.
I look at the picture of the children and think of my own~ oh Lord Almighty....physically, would you transform the mudcakes into bread from heaven~ give them fresh manna Lord~ that which sustains and fills and nourishes. And Lord, spiritually for us, would You cause us to feed on the fresh manna from Your Treasured Word...and refuse the mudcakes this world offers us.
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