John 4 gives us the account of Jesus interacting with a Samaritan woman. There are several points to gleem from this interaction, but I want to highlight one in specific today.
Jesus was passing through a town in Samaria, called Sychar and sat down by Jacob's well. A Samaritan woman came to draw water and as she approached the well, Jesus asked her to draw some water for him. Jesus initiated the conversation with this woman; Jesus refused to stay in the "religious rules" of that culture (Jews had nothing to do with Samaritans & more than that~ he was a man & she was a woman). Jesus was discerning her "thirst" level. He wasn't interested in a casual conversation, he was after something different~ deeper. Jesus always go after the heart. This woman addresses the fact that he is a Jew and she is a Samaritan woman and asks how he could ask her for a drink. Jesus responds, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water." The woman is "stuck" in the natural and notices that he has nothing to draw with, so how could he give her water...but still he goes deeper. "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." The woman says YES I want this water. And so Jesus goes deeper still and tells her to bring her husband to the well. Jesus is going behind the veil she's hiding behind. He knows why she is thirsty. The woman responds honestly by telling Jesus that she doesn't have a husband and Jesus finishes her life story. There is continued conversation and the woman can no longer hide behind the veil. She wants this Living Water. She believes that Jesus is the Messiah. And, she leaves her water jar to go back to the village to tell all that Jesus is in their village! The Living Water that had filled her spilled out of her and revival came to Sychar!
The woman came to Jacob's Well with a water jar~ to drink from the natural well; to quench her thirst. But, at the Well she met Jesus and after the encounter she had with the Living Water, she left her water jar (the natural water wasn't so important at that moment) and drank deep from the Supernatural Well. (Sidenote: The name Jacob's Well means "supernatural replacing the natural", so what a place for this encounter to occur.)
So, what well are you drawing from? When we draw from the natural well, we get our "needs" met, but there is an emptiness and we get dry rather quickly. BUT, when we draw from the well of the Supernatural (the Holy Spirit) we are filled to overflowing in such a way that the Living Water spills out. In drawing from the Supernatural Well, we have encounters with Jesus that transform us and even those in our circle of influence. There is a "spilling" effect; the spring of Living Water cannot be contained. Joy, love, faith, peace, humility, gentleness, kindness, renewed mind, forgiveness, selflessness, thankfulness, mercy, tenderness~ it all spills out. So DRINK DEEP OF THE WELL OF THE SUPERNATURAL and watch REVIVAL COME TO YOUR TOWN.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
You are Beautiful

Our daughter recently was married and it was a day of beauty and purity and innocence. My husband and I rejoice with the Lord in this new union of husband and wife. Before the wedding, my daughter, Lindsay had a private moment, first with her daddy, then with her soon-to-be hubby. Neither of these men had seen the dress before this time, nor had seen Lindsay in her bridal make-up and hair. My husband entered the intimate setting first and stood off with his back turned away from Lindsay...then she made her entrance. He turned to glance at his beautiful daughter. Tears in both their eyes spoke words that words could not express...daddy's gentle touch and hug released the little girl to step into the world of woman; to begin a new adventure; a new dream; a new reality of one man's girl. After this sweet embrace of time, Greg stepped out and Jeff walked into the quiet, intimate room. As with her daddy, Jeff had his back turned away from Lindsay. The door flung open, and upon her approach, Jeff spun around to admire his beloved one....the wife of his youth. Tears flowed again, this time a soon-to-be new bride and her groom. One glance at Lindsay was all that was needed and Jeff ran to her; literally. He grabbed her in his arms. Your mine. All mine. The beautiful bride, unblemished. Perfect. As I stood outside of this room, peering through the window panes in the door, Jesus spoke softly to my heart. That's who you are to me. You are a beautiful bride; unblemished. Perfect. And I run to you. I embrace you. I speak to you that you are mine. All mine.
Beloved of God, that is who you are. Your Jesus is running to you; his arms out to embrace you. And to Him, there is no blemish, no stain. You are perfect. Let him speak words of tenderness and grace and compassion and love over you and to you. See him smile at you. See the look of love in his eyes, those eyes that burn with love. Hear him speak "You are mine. You are beautiful. You are all mine. I adore you."
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