Tuesday, July 21, 2009


You may find yourself in this place of transition....I had a strong impression from the Lord this weekend that many of His willing ones (the remnant) are in transition. This is what the Lord gave me:

Trasition~ this is the stage of labor (physically) before a baby is born. This is the hardest part of labor. It usually doesn't last too long, but it is the most intense part of labor. Physically the pain makes you want to quit (we know the reality is that you can't quit), but it is so hard and so painful that a laboring mom may say, "I can't do this anymore" or "I want to go home". There are helps offered to a mom during this intense time...

1) focal point~ she has something to focus on; to be centered on; to concentrate on; an object to look at
2) breathe~ at Lamaze classes, the mom has learned how to breathe in short breaths & she has practiced it...during transition, she gets to put it into real life practice!
3) coaches~ she doesn't go through transition alone; her husband is there next to her, at least one nurse is there, sometimes a family member of friend joins the labor team too! The job of these coaches is to cheer her along; "You can do it", "Not much longer now", "I'm so proud of you", "You are doing so well"~ words of encouragement are given & the coaches help the laboring mom breathe correctly and stay focused!
4) necessary~ transition is necessary in order to birth a baby! There is no skipping transition!

What does this have to do with the people of GOD (His remnant)? What do we birth? A new thing...a new paradigm...new wineskin...new vision...new revelation...new assignment....new marching orders...

Many of us are in transition. We may feel like giving up or thinking this is just too hard. There is good news! We can take the physical "helps" that a laboring mom has & apply it to us as we spiritually labor!

1) focal point~ have you had a word of revelation that God has spoken to your heart? A prophetic word spoken over you? A scripture that has become "rhema" to your spirit? A dream that God has given you? Hang onto that! Let that be your focal point. Do not give up! Labor on!
2) Breathe~ For us in spiritual transition, we need to breathe easy; rest in Him. Don't make it happen in your own strength. When we breathe, allow God's Spirit to come in...give Him time to do what He wants to do in this transition.
3) Coaches~ God has given us a company of warriors to "coach" us through this hard laboring time. They help us breathe and keep us focused and offer encouragement!
4) Necessary~ this is necessary in order to birth this new thing!

If the Lord has you in this place of transition~ REJOICE! A new thing is coming. Don't give up! Don't say it is too hard. Gather some warriors & encourage one another.....the birth of this new thing is almost here!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Last weekend our family was visiting our friends in Kansas City. One of the highlights was the NARNIA exhibit. This is a traveling exhibit, that will visit large cities around the US. My son, Jonathan & I are fans of all the Chronicles of Narnia books and of course, the two movies based on the books. As we entered the exhibit, through the wardrobe a sign greeted us "Everything you have known is about to change". For the Pevency children, their world definitely changed...as they entered a new world and experienced great adventures. I read the sign and thought how true that is for the world in which we live right now, for everything that we have known is about to change (if it hasn't already).

Change. I drove my son to guitar lessons today and the McDonald's which has stood on the corner for the last 12 years was gone! Demolished. Only dirt. Last week it was there. This week it is gone.

Change. Our family getaway to KC last weekend, consisted of my husband, son & I....our girls were working and couldn't join us. This was the first time of the "new" family arrangement. Our girls are older and just couldn't get away with us. So, instead of 5, there were 3.

Change. This world is changing in front of our eyes; faster than ever before. We can't keep up with the change~ the good and the bad.

Constant. One thing is certain. Jesus never changes. The phrase from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe "Everything you have ever known is about to change" does not apply to Jesus. He stays the same, yesterday, today and forever. He is immovable. He is constant. He is faithful. He is unshakable. He is in control. He is our center. Jesus is the peace in the midst of chaos. Do not be fearful or anxious. Put your trust in Him. Hold fast to Jesus and He will see you through.

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe." Hebrews 12:28