Monday, May 26, 2008


Today is Memorial Day....a day to remember those who have fought for the freedoms which this country so much enjoys. I love history & so this day, along with Veterans Day is a special day for me personally. I have read much about the blood that was shed, so that we can live in the freedoms we experience today.

A "memorial" is defined as a marker or statue to remember. As I think about & am so thankful for those who have given everything for this nation in which I live, I am reminded also this day of the God-man who gave everything so that I could have freedom in Him (no matter where I live physically). So today is a "memorial day" to remember the freedom that has been purchased for me by the cross. I pray that you will use this day as a "marker" for remembering what freedom was bought for you by the blood of Jesus.

Galations 5:1 says, "It is for freedom that Christ has set you free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." What did Christ's blood "buy" you and me? FREEDOM! No more are we to be bound by sin.

To be set free is to be cut loose! What have you & I been cut loose from? We are cut loose from: "repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic-show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or to be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small-minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on." (Galations 5:19-21 Messge Translation). These are some of the sins that we have been freed from! We need to begin living the life that Jesus paid for--the brutal, painful, humiliating death that He experienced to bring each one of us LIFE!

David Foster, in his book A Renegade's Guide to God talks about this freedom we have, because the JESUS LIFE lives in us! The greatest point of history--Jesus didn't stay in the ground. He was raised to life and offers us this gift of life. He lives in me, which gives me the freedom to stand firm. "Jesus' aliveness living in me gives the freedom to become an authentic version of who He created me to be. I am no longer bound by my inner demons, dumb habits, or the insane need to prove my worth to the world. We are free from the dread of the past and the fear of the future. Under the loving leadership of Jesus, I have authority and standing."
(p. 163)

Step into the freedom that Jesus' life offers. Make this your "memorial day"...a day to mark that your freedom is purchased & you will NOT go back into a land of slavery! To be free spiritually is the greatest gift purchased on the cross!

Take some time to think about what yokes of slavery are you under? What have you allowed to continue to steal, kill and destroy in your attitudes? Behaviors? Mindsets? Belief systems? Take that ground back. Those of us who are in Christ Jesus are free. We have no longer to let the slavery of sin control us. Remind your body & mind WHO is in control!

David Foster writes, "We need renegades for God who dare to live FREE, have fun, and change the world." (p. 247)

John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church said, "Give me a hundred men who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I will shake the world. I care not a straw whether they be clergy or laymen; and such alone will overthrow the kingdom of satan and build up the Kingdom of God on earth."

This world needs believers to be free! Live in the freedom that was purchased for you, so we can shake the world and build up the Kingdom of God on earth!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Miriam - May 19, 2008

This is tonight's Bible Study about Miriam!

Season of planting

In the last couple weeks, I have gotten into my flower pots & containers for spring planting! It has been such a long, cold winter that I am late in getting the plants in the soil. Finally, after the season of winter (which took up much of the spring), I got my hands in the dirt! My planters were still filled with the remnants of last year's flowers (dead twigs & sticks & weeds).

So my first job was to dig those roots out of the soil & move the soil around; digging any old weeds out. I had to dig around the roots; they wouldn't just pull out of the dirt. It took some work to dig around & deep enough to pull the whole roots out.

I then had to move the soil around~like "tilling up" the deeper ground. I was surprised to find that the soil was easy to move around. Last year, I had purchased "good, rich, nourished" soil and it had served the plants well. And now, the soil was still good & rich. I did add some "new" rich & nourished soil, so this year my plants should look beautiful (as long as I take good care of them).

After "tilling" the soil and adding some new, rich soil to the planters, I carefully selected the right flowers for the conditions (full sun; part sun; morning sun; afternoon sun; shade). The planting required placing the small plant in the right spot, watering & securing the soil around the plant.

I am daily watering the plants, looking for any weeds (to get them out before they take "root) and watching them grow!

As I have spent these last couple weeks digging in the soil, doing the hard work of planting, I was reminded of this "season of planting" spiritual principle:

"Break up your unplowed ground and do not sow among thorns." (Jeremiah4:3) and "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until He comes and showers righteousness on you." (Hosea 10:12)

The first job I have to do is pull out the weeds (from the roots). This can be painful, because we have to dig around & deep to get to the bottom of the weed. This is a time when I ask the Lord to dig deep & pull out the weeds (like bitterness, unforgiveness, an unloving attitude, anger, pride, hatred, etc.). His Word is what goes deep to the root to lift it out. His Word even shows me what roots are in my heart's soil.

Now the "tilling" of the soil in my heart begins. I need to move the soil around so my heart is "plowed" well. In order to do that, I need to 1) humble myself before the Lord, 2) Confess my sins by name to the Lord & 3) Repent & 4) Seek the Lord so He can show His righteousness on me. The soil in my heart is rich & nourished as I spend time in God's Word & in His presence. As I do, the "tilling" is easier & weeds don't take root as quickly! It is worth it to abide in Him!

How do you know if your heart is "unplowed ground"?
1) There will be little or no revelation from the Word of God
2) No recent confession & repentance before the Lord
3) There are no tears
4) A lack of spiritual hunger
5) bored with spiritual things
6) Little or no vision
7) Little to no passion for the things of the Lord

To begin the plowing:
1) Seek the Lord & ask Him to make your heart soft & pliable (that He would till it)
2) Ask the Lord to give you a hunger & thirst for His Word and for spiritual things
3) "Plant" those things that will lead you into a deeper relationship with the Lord (being in the Word, surrounding yourself with people who love Jesus, praying, getting into a church where there is community & Truth taught from the Word of God & where the Holy Spirit is alive)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sarah - May 12, 2008

Here's the Bible study about Sarah from Monday night!

Eve - May 5, 2008

The Bible study recordings are up and running!

If you couldn't make it to either day or simply want to go back and listen to them again, I will be putting every week's Bible study on the blog so that you can listen to them. Since I was still working out the final kinks with everything, this week there will be two - Eve (from May 5th) and Sarah (from May 12th). After these two, they will be going up one at a time as we work through the extraordinary women of the Bible!

(Know that the recordings could take a few minutes to load completely!)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

ABC's of Motherhood

A mother is one who:

Attends sporting events, music programs, dance recitals, etc.

Believes in her kids


Disciplines when necessary



Gives & gives & gives

Hugs a lot!

Ignites passion in her children

Juggles many responsibilities

Knows like only a mother KNOWS

Loves unconditionally

Meditates sibling arguements :)

Notices the little things

Opens her home to her children's friends

Pours out her life

Quietly prays when no one sees

Reads many resources about the seasons of motherhood




Values the dreams of her children

Wonders about the future for her kids

Xamines her life

Yearns for more time!

Zealously treasures the life of her children

Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for all you do to shape the next generation!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Finish the Race

Today was the Lincoln Marathon (in Lincoln, NE). My husband went to cheer on his buddies that participated in the marathon. Greg mapped out the route, so he could try to meet them on the various points of the encourage them & he even ran along with the guys for a couple of blocks.

As he was sharing this with me this afternoon, I thought about the race that we believers participate in. At the end of Paul's life, he wrote to Timothy and declared that "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7). Paul had a sense of victory and confidence that he had finished the race well. He ran with all his might, never stopping until he had reached the goal! There were many distractions along the way for Paul: he faced rejection from friends and churches, he had been beaten brutally several times, he was shipwrecked 3 times, and yet Paul was not moved off course. Why? Because he knew what his race was that he had to complete. Paul even writes in 2 Corinthians 4:17 "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." Paul looked at his circumstances as "light and momentary". His eyes were on the prize! He was heaven bound and his prize was Jesus, his joy and strength.

How about you? Do you know what the race is that you are to complete? Paul knew exactly what he was called to run and he didn't look at anyone else's course. Nothing could stop him from running his race. What has God called you to do with your life? If someone asked you to define your "assignment" from the Lord, would you be able to give an answer?

If you are not sure, spend some time asking the Lord what it is that He has called you to do. Each person has a unique call on their life, so it will look different for everyone. Keep your eyes focused on Christ & He will give wisdom & revelation. And the wonderful thing that God has given us is those who have gone before us; who have run their race well & stayed the course. They give us encouragement to do the same. Just like Greg was there today to encourage his friends on their physical race....spiritually, we are not left alone--to do it on our own. We have our community of friends to "spur us on" and the Word of God to give the examples of those godly men & women who "fought the fight and ran the race".

We are encouraged in Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."